Ludovic Bource

Sandra, a young woman forced to leave the south of France to flee a violent husband. Without attachment, she returned to Boulogne-sur-Mer, the city of her childhood which she left almost 15 years ago. She finds her mother there and a world she left behind. Without money, she is hired in a fish cannery where she befriends two workers. But one day, one of her colleagues tackles her insistently, she defends herself and kills him accidentally.


Nathan Flomm, in order to avoid the humiliation of having missed out on a hugely successful business, assumes a new identity on Martha's Vineyard. He plots revenge when his former business partner moves to the same town.


An immersive documentary that recounts "The Artist"'s hugely successful Oscar campaign. Filmed by Serge Hazanavicius (Michel's brother) this is an intimate look at what happens when a french, black and white, silent film wows Hollywood.


Two mismatched cops team up to investigate the murder of a business mogul's wife.


Hollywood, 1927: As silent movie star George Valentin wonders if the arrival of talking pictures will cause him to fade into oblivion, he sparks with Peppy Miller, a young dancer set for a big break.


French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.


Secret agent OSS 117 foils Nazis, beds local beauties, and brings peace to the Middle East.
