Luis De Lima

A comedy divided in four episodes, set in different time periods, each starring a different couple, yet all facing the same issue: marital jealousy.


Comedy in two segments. In the first, an important businessman becomes temporarily paralyzed after taking too much of a potent aphrodisiac. To take his place, his employee finds a mechanic who is a look-alike. In the second story, a businessman's woman pretends she is jealous in order to conceal her own unfaithfulness, as she is having an affair with her husband's closest employee.


A professional hitman returns to Brazil and is hired to eliminate an Argentine Delegate in a Rio de Janeiro convention. Inspector José da Silva realizes the plot and starts to pursuit him.

In the South American jungle, supplies of nitroglycerine are needed at a remote oil field. The oil company pays four men to deliver the supplies in two trucks. A tense rivalry develops between the two sets of drivers on the rough remote roads where the slightest jolt can result in death.
