Luis Mariano

The film is a 20th-century adaptation of Voltaire's 1759 social satire novel Candide, ou l’Optimisme.


Music seller and singer on occasion, Jacques Gardel learns from master Jérôme Quilleboeuf that he inherits oil fields located in Big Bend in Texas.


Manuel, a landowner in Jamaica, arrives in Paris on vacation. There he meets Olivia, a Spanish popular singer and falls in love. Olivia leaves Paris to play in a casino of the Riviera and Manuel follows her there. Maxime lives in Cannes, uncle of Olivia, a trickster who poses as a magician and has great influence on Annie, an eccentric billionaire. At the same time, Simeon, Annie's secretary tries to bribe the magician to influence Annie to accept to marry him, but as Maxime also wants to marry her, Simeon uses the services of a private detective. Manuel receives a telegram asking him to return to Jamaica. So, Annie proposes them a cruise aboard his yacht and invites Olivia.


The film follows the life of Napoleon from his early life in Corsica to his death at Saint Helena. The film is notable for its use of location shooting for numerous scenes, especially at the French estates of Malmaison and Fontainebleau, the Palace of Versailles, and sites of Napoleonic battles including Austerlitz and Waterloo.


Bandits kidnap Figaro, the famous barber of Seville, and use his wonderful voice to attract travelers and rob stagecoaches. Because of this, the police chases him as an accomplice of the bandits. Then Figaro decides to join the army as a volunteer to fight in Puerto Rico. He returns covered with glory and his faults are condoned. However, the adventures of Figaro continue in Seville in the false scene of the aristocracy


A group of French filmmakers travel to Andalucia for film a movie titled" Beauty of Cadiz". It stars are Carlos, a famous heartthrob, and an unknown gypsy named Maria-Luisa.


Juanillo is in love with Dolores, the daughter of the owner of an inn. He likes to sing, she likes dancing. After the village festivals, where Juanillo has acted as a bullfighter and Dolores has performed, he has been hired as bullfighter for a tour in America. They exchange vows, but their letters will be intercepted.


In the Basque Country, two friends, José and François, live a cheerful life. The two sly foxes use their wit to boost the business of an innkeeper they have a connection with. José is in love with Angélica, the innkeeper"s daughter, while François courts petite Annette. José also happens to have a beautiful voice and one day a night club manager hears him and wants to hire him. He will have to choose between Angelica, the inn, his roots... and a singing career in Paris.


Gino Fabretti is a famous Italian tenor. During a tour in Nice, he begins a relationship with the wife of a renowned doctor. The doctor traps and drugs him and replaces his vocal cords with those of Robert, a delivery boy in a grocery store. Robert wakes up with the voice of Gino and Gino with that of Robert (including accents and mannerisms!). The unfaithful wife despises the tenor without his voice and becomes more interested in the grocer.
