Luis Medina Castro

The parallel accounts of the story of the Virgin of Luján in the seventeenth century and of a blind violinist who regains her vision during the Pope's visit to Argentina in 1982

In 1965, a man named Matías is taken to a psychiatric hospital, after being found at the streets, "in the company of homosexuals and in a state of intoxication by alcohol and drugs". His documentation says he's 41 years old and born in Poland. He says his mother was an aristocrat. His arrival will have a profound impact on the institution and, especially, on one of the doctors.


El Pato faces a gang of spies who use a stuntman to seize an atomic pile.


A man leaves his job working in the mining industry, falls in love with a girl and succeeds as a singer.


The son of a businessman neglected by his father and orphaned by a mother, goes to a group of friends. A typical gang of humble neighborhood boys, led by Chirola. The history of this gang is ruled by two magical characters, El Hada de la Esperanza represented by Liliana Rodríguez Morlino and El Pombero, a typical Formosan character-legend, played by Jaime Cohen. Through these boys the life of the social classes of the time is reflected, the innocence of the boys apart from those values ​​and what children are capable of when they decide to transform things. During the story, the typical life of the province in which it was filmed, Formosa, and the daily life of the neighborhoods of the capital city that used to be a commercial port with Paraguay are highlighted.

Some years from the life of a neighborhood tough in Buenos Aires around 1915.


The story takes place in San Antonio de Areco, in the Argentine pampas. Fabio Cáceres remembers his childhood as an orphan and his youth working in the fields, alongside his godfather, Don Segundo Sombra, a lonely gaucho whom he admires and from whom he will learn to be a gaucho, following him in all his adventures. Don Segundo will be Fabio's role model.


Three young men from different social groups finish the military service and have to confront the complexities of the Argentinian reality.


Cacho Garibaldi is the soccer player of the moment, his goals lead to delirium fans. When an eccentric millionaire named Lupus buys his transfer, he expects to end up on a major team. Instead, he discovers the millionaire's goal in life is to collect the best -not art or stamps- but people.


Three different love-related stories -all starring María Vaner as different "Anas". In "The Earth," Ana is a young and idealistic woman on the verge of adulthood when her first relationship with a clerk shatters her dreams of a romantic life. In "The Air," Ana is a rebellious, easy-living type among some beach bums whose sexual leanings tend to tip the scale at active promiscuity. In "The Cloud," Ana only exists in the imagination of an introverted man, who dreams of his ideal woman.


A philosophy teacher is raped by her night school students.


The film refers to the romance between a young mechanic of humble working background and a university student from a well-to-do family of professionals who face the difficulties originated in their different social origins.


A social drama centered on the miserable conditions experencied by cane cutters in Argentina's north.


María has a powerful reason to hide the fact that she is Enrique's mother.


A handsome newcomer in a village marries a local girl. A year or so later an abandoned baby is left on the couple's doorstep, a baby the man had with another woman. They decide to raise the kid along with the one they had together.


An italian man is unfairly imprisoned and his wife must work to maintain the family.
