Luis Quintanilla Rico

The story of a vegetarian vampire who faints at the sight of blood.

A backwoods biker cult plotting world domination stay busy kidnapping, robbing and murdering people.


After being convicted of killing her rapist, a woman gives birth to a baby in jail. Regrettable accidents cause her to lose contact with her son. Twenty years later...


Mexican feature film

A young woman is exploited by a series of men over the course of her life and ends up leading a battalion in the Mexican Revolution.


Young heiress has an illegitimate baby, and only two people are in on the secret. Twenty years later...


A couple is attacked bu thugs and the woman is killed, the boyfriend plans his revenge.


Santo is called in to stop robot terrorists from sabotaging oil supplies in Puerto Rico.


A trio of masked Mexican wrestlers take on a mad scientist, killer dwarfs, and a horde of re-animated mummies in Guanajuato.


Alberto and Leonor have a son, they find out that one of the masked men who attacked them was her nephew, things get difficult for them when they find out about a testament left by her grandmother.
