Luis Vorbach

After oversleeping yet again, Alfons manages to catch the bus to his class trip to the Baltic Sea at the last minute. In his luggage: lots of adventure, funny pranks and - wait a minute - his mother's clothes?

Shortly before the end of the Second World War, Anna and her eleven-year-old son Felix seek refuge in the countryside, where a strict Nazi regiment also prevails. In contrast to his mother, Felix slowly succumbs to right-wing propaganda.

Seven friends - three women and four men - meet for dinner. Everyone should put their cell phone on the table. No matter what message comes in - anyone can read it and listen to the phone calls. However, this leads to a lot of chaos.


The little witch is only 127 years old – too young for the annual coven of witches. Although she is not yet old enough to be a real witch she wants to become a really good one. This decision causes trouble inside her magic world.


11-year-old Michi lives in a children's home, every day fighting to win the respect of the other kids, till the day he finds his real dad, Tom - who happens to be a dwarf, even shorter than Michi is, the opposite of his idea of manliness and strength. When the kids find out, Michi's life becomes hell and he flees. With nowhere to go, he moves in with Tom, who is new to this fatherhood thing, while Michi tried to hide his embarrassment and shame from his fellow school kids. This forces Tom, who had coped well till now, to confront his handicap head on. As time passes, they discover they have more in common than other sons and fathers, until their relationship is again suddenly put to the hard test...
