Luiz Henrique Rios

Two teenagers from different social classes fall in love after meeting in a conflict at a party and will have to face challenges to be together.

Passíone is a Brazilian telenovela that originally aired on Rede Globo from May 05, 2010 to January 14, 2011. Is created and written by Sílvio de Abreu. The plot has the actors Fernanda Montenegro, Tony Ramos, Mariana Ximenes, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Carolina Dieckmann, Rodrigo Lombardi, Marcello Antony, Larissa Maciel, Werner Schünemann, Mayana Moura and Aracy Balabanian in the leading roles. Replacing Viver a Vida, it premiered in May 05, 2010 and ended its run in January 14, 2011 consisting of 209 episodes.


Belíssima is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo between November 7, 2005 and July 8, 2006 as the "novel of the eight" of the station, with a total of 209 chapters. It was written by Sílvio de Abreu in collaboration with Sérgio Marques and Vinícius Vianna, directed by Flávia Lacerda, Gustavo Fernandez and Natália Grimberg, with the general direction of Carlos Araújo, Luiz Henrique Rios and Denise Saraceni. It was produced by Denise Saraceni core, with Carmen Righetto research. Featured Glória Pires, Fernanda Montenegro, Cláudia Abreu, Carolina Ferraz, Marcello Antony, Cláudia Raia, Reynaldo Gianecchini, Camila Pitanga, Alexandre Borges, Lima Duarte, Irene Ravache and Tony Ramos in the lead roles.


Começar de Novo is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Rede Globo and displayed in its traditional schedule of 19 hours between 30 August 2004 and April 16, 2005. Presented Natália do Vale, Marcos Paulo, Eva Wilma, Werner Schünemann, Carlos Vereza, Giselle Itié, Vladimir Brichta, Carolina Ferraz and Marília Pêra in the lead roles.


A Muralha is a Brazilian historical fiction television series that first aired on Rede Globo in 2000.


Meu Bem Querer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo. Written by Ricardo Linhares, with the collaboration of Leonor Bassères, Nelson Nadotti, Maria Elisa Berredo and Glória Barretoentre, monitoring text by Aguinaldo Silva, direction of Luís Henrique Rios, João Camargo and Alexandre Avancini, direction general of Roberto Naar and nucleus of Marcos Paulo and transmitted by August 24, 1998 and January 20, 1999, totaling 179 episodes.


A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.


Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.
