Luiz Melodia

A four-part biography on the life of the Brazilian singer Gal Costa, from her humble beginning singing in the streets of Salvador, where she became friends with many artists who would be other great names in Brazilian music in the following decades to her 50th career anniversary in 2015.

A woman is taken along with her mother in 1910 to a far-away desert by her husband, and after his passing, is forced to spend the next 59 years of her life hopelessly trying to escape it.


Directed by Isa Grinspum Ferraz, the series O Povo Brasileiro proposes a deep dive into the history of Brazil to talk about historical, social and cultural formations that constitute the identities of the Brazilian people. The production approaches from aspects of the native peoples to the formation of Brazil as a national unit, in a recreation of the literary narrative of the homonymous work written by the anthropologist Darcy Ribeiro.

A documentary chronicling the life and works of Brazilian poet, songwriter, journalist and avant-garde filmmaker Torquato Neto, from his beginnings to his suicide at the age of 28.

A docu-fiction film that dabbles on the soul of Rio de Janeiro culture as it exploits the figure of the local well-known archetype of the "malandro"