Lupe Inclán

Singer relives her love-life in flashback: she adopts another woman's illegitimate daughter, she gets married, the grandparents of the baby raise a fuss, etc.


Irresponsible playboy seduces a decent young lady with a fake wedding; he continues being a creep for the next 12 or 15 years.


A woman of low estate is beloved of a promising young man, but sacrifices her love for him in order to protect his future and reputation.


When he hears how his grandfather left illegitimate children scattered all over the county, a young landowner is seized with an obsessive desire to make babies.


Pedro meets the materialistic Leticia through a failed heist. After she turns over a new leaf, the two marry, until tragedy drives them apart.


Well-intentioned Tin Tan who is always making trouble for other people, sometimes on purpose and sometimes by accident.


Personal dramas among the residents of an apartment house.


Good son takes the blame for father's peculations and goes off to work in the rain forest to pay off Pops' debt. Meanwhile, daughter and bad son neglect their aging parents, whose fortunes decline precipitously.


Shady characters try to buy the corner shop and destroy a decent family's livelihood.


College students, ready to start entering adult society, are ashamed of their working-class backgrounds.


Tin Tan stars as a poor railroad employee by day and a modern day Robin Hood by night.


Woman and her daughter try to get on with their lives and run their family bakery while dealing with abusive alcoholic husband/father and other family problems.

Three generations of a stable, middle-class family in the capitol are scattered to the four winds by blowback from the Mexican Revolution.


USA-educated doctor goes home for the first time in years. Culture shock.


Frivolous woman falls in reallytruly love for the first time, but her past catches up with her and her fiancé kicks her to the curb. Then joining a convent and amnesia and stuff.


Ambitious hacendado tries to take over a neighboring estate and the young woman that goes with the property.


Remake of famous 1936 ranchera musical.


1880s-1890s rural adventure on horseback.


Rom-com scheming; wealthy landowner wants to seduce one of his tenants, but she wants the other guy...

When the government places restrictions on the Catholic church's autonomy, an armed uprising takes place. Disagreements over the new laws create conflict within the protagonist's family.


Curious film about the Mexican immigrant stunned by the dollar and the English language. The plot deals with a serious social mood, but narrated as a tale of romantic entanglements. Agustin Isunza is a funny former farm worker, whose employers, young and attractive blond Joan Page and Clifford Carr, dazzle the sibling pair starring Luis Aguilar and Amanda del Llano. Miguel Inclan, a rich potter from the area, has put his eye on them to marry their children, Katy Jurado and Raul Guerrero.

Romantic triangles, rural/hacienda setting.


City slicker scams on young farmgirl while her fiance's in USA on a work permit.


A young journalist asks an old artist about the portrait of a naked Indian woman that he has in his study. The artist tells the story of Maria Candelaria (Dolores del Río), a young Indian woman who was rejected by her own people for being the daughter of a prostitute. She is protected by a young Indian man, Lorenzo Rafael (Pedro Armendáriz), who has fallen in love with her.


Theatrical troupe schemes to expose corrupt dealings in local government.


Romantic triangle, land-owner and two employees.


Suspicious husband deals with wife's supposed infidelity by making his toddler son disappear into the city's slums, where he grows to boyhood as a thief's apprentice.

Every passenger boarding The Express has a story.
