Lydia Campbell

When Romy and Rick’s parents surprise them with the news that they will be closing the Chinese restaurant they have owned and operated for decades, the siblings each find themselves reevaluating their futures. Also impacted by the news are the landmark restaurant’s loyal patrons and staff, who have all come to depend on the restaurant over the holidays.

Piper Grant moves to New York for a fresh start and to find her career passion. As she bounces between different exciting temp jobs that take her all over the city, she meets Austin Edwards, an aspiring writer. While Piper’s sunny optimism is at odds with Austin’s jaded personality, the magic of the autumn season soon brings them closer together. When Piper realizes her true passion is illustration, they decide to team up on a children’s book project, and in the process, they discover the thing they’re really searching for might be each other.

Real estate rising star Molly, who breaks up with Jackson, a smitten but seeming underachiever, on Valentine’s Day because he may have lied to her. Molly moves to New Mexico for a high-profile promotion and soon finds herself close to being engaged to the generous but immature Greg. In a twist of fate, a proposed business deal for a trendy winery puts Molly face-to-face again with the remorseful Jackson, who has a few more surprises for the woman he still loves.


Nick and Molly, commitment-phobic and busy professionals with little in common, are asked to be the best man and maid of honor at the wedding of their mutual friends, Amy and Jamie.


Laura Paddington is overcome with joy when her daughter, Zoe, returns to her after being abducted 17 years before--but is Zoe really her long lost child?


A famous country singer set to marry a glamorous Hollywood actress returns to his small town roots. When he crosses paths with his childhood sweetheart and finally feels inspired to write songs again he reevaluates his life, his values and his opinion of true love. As his wedding day approaches, he must decide if he has chosen the right woman to be his wife.


The Postables work against the clock decoding a letter to rescue a soldier in Afghanistan and reunite her with her family, while Rita competes for the national Miss Special Delivery title in Washington, D.C.
