Lyrica Okano

A woman entertains a macabre offer that would let her pursue her dreams, for better or for much much worse.

In the shadows of New York, the city’s restless Asian youth navigate racial tension, dangerous situations, bizarre scenarios…and each other. When a routine pickup job goes wrong, our characters find themselves in a circumstance that feels more like a premise for a joke more than anything: “what happens when a Chinese, Japanese, and a Korean end up in a Mexican standoff at a karaoke bar?”

An urban love story set on the hard streets of the Bronx. A struggling female pimp, named Wednesday, grows up learning the game from her dad. Once he's gone she's left to look out for her prostitute mother and girlfriend Nikki.


A group of six teenagers in Los Angeles discover that their parents have a dark secret. They unite to find a way to stop their parents from executing a terrible plan.

Every teenager thinks their parents are evil. What if you found out they actually were? Six diverse teenagers who can barely stand each other must unite against a common foe – their parents.


A young woman has a chance to save the love of her life, when she discovers that the mix-tape they made together can transport her back in time.