Lyudmila Gurchenko

A story about a miracle which only can happen when a fate brings together two very talented people.


Four old friends are experiencing various troubles adapting to the new times in modern Russia.


An actress is recording a screen-test for Federico Fellini who, as she's heard, is looking for a Russian actress for his new film. For an hour she's reflecting on the nature of art, the fate of artists, the destiny of Russian people, history of her country and its present day.

In the third movie the Naval Cadets are still servicing the homeland - this time during a Seven Years War.


"Sekskazka" - Soviet mystical melodrama directed by Elena Nikolaeva, based on the story of Vladimir Nabokov's "Fairy Tale" [1]. The film was released in 1991. [Сексказка]


In the second movie the Naval Cadets are guarding the princess coming from Germany to marry a Russian prince.


The young man decides to go into business. The main advantage of "novice businessman" is a great ability to mimic other people's voices.


At a popular vacation destination in Crimea every evening the entertainer Lyudmila Pashkova hosts "Where are you, talents?" - a friendly competition designed to amuse vacationers. Michael Gudkov, a vacationer from the northern Russian city of Murmansk, takes up the challenge performing his favorite song "My Female Sailor". In spite of a well-received performance the host did not award a victory to him. Feeling slighted Michael decides to compete every evening with his song until he gets his well-deserved prize becoming a favorite fixture of the local competition.


The beginning of the 30s of the last century. A leak of classified information was found at the Soviet shipbuilding plant. Arriving under the guise of a scientist, the legendary chekist Karotin begins to unravel the threads of the conspiracy of the fascist spy organization. He is helped by inexperienced but active local detectives. Mastering the basics of the counterintelligence, they fall into a situation the other one funnier.


Police detectives are investigating a pharmaceutical institute for possible drugs manufacturing and distribution.


Shown a life in the remote siberian village. Vasia, who never leave his family, village, comes to pass summer holiday on the Black Sea. New world, new people - so, hi's temted by a half-crazy woman (Raisa Zaharovna). And after short time Vasia returns to his wife and children.


Lyudmila Gurchenko's brilliant performance in a musical drama about a life of the struggling singer.


Comedy of manners with elements of grotesque. The hero of the tape - an employee of a solid research Institute San Sanych lubomudrov - an extraordinary personality. Charming trickster and subtle psychologist, he is fluent in the art of communicating with the "right" people.


The beginning of the 20th century. Famous singer Emilia Marty arrives on tour in a European city. At the same time, the Supreme Court intends to close the Gregor-Prus case, a lawsuit that lasted several decades. Albert Gregor unsuccessfully tries to seize the inheritance of Baron Joseph Prus, but cannot prove that he is his heir. Emilia Marty unexpectedly intervenes in the process, reporting the whereabouts of documents proving the family kinship of Albert Gregor and Prus.


On the eve of his fortieth anniversary Sergei Makarov looks back at his life and learns that he has achieved nothing. He was not able to be happy and to bring happiness to the closest people in his life, neither to his long-suffering wife nor young mistress nor friends nor work... It is about the men who never grew up and could not find themselves in the time of stagnation – gifted, charming, but infantile and lost, they never were able to realize themselves...


Platon Ryabinin, a pianist, is traveling by train to a distant town of Griboedov to visit his father. He gets off to have lunch during a twenty minute stop at Zastupinsk railway station. He meets Vera, a waitress, after he refuses to pay her for the disgusting food he doesn't even touch and misses his train due to police investigation of the incident. His passport is then accidentally taken away from him by Andrei, Vera's fiancé, and his money is stolen as he waits for the next train to Griboedov. Vera learns that Platon is about to get sentenced and sent to prison in the Far East for a car accident he isn't guilty for. During the few days that Platon has to spend in Zastupinsk he and Vera develop feelings for each other...


Story of 38-years-old Rita whose fiance didn't show up at their wedding.


A young girl from the Siberian province arrives in Moscow for her beloved, whom she met during his business trip. He is a test designer for buses and will be on a business trip to Hungary. It was at this point that Katya set her vacation time. But it seems that they didn’t really wait for her... However, a meeting with László changes all her plans...


British MP Sir Robert Chiltern is known for his honesty and integrity. To match his wife, Lady Chiltern, who is an example of high morality. However, the past of Sir Robert, as it turned out, is not at all perfect. Famous socialite adventurer Laura Cheveley, with evidence of his long-standing dishonorable act, is trying to blackmail Chiltern. Not only Sir Robert's reputation and career are at stake, but also family happiness. His best friend comes to the rescue — Lord Goring.


Michail helps out Nicolai and Lubia giving them a ride to a nearby construction site. They will work there to build a new town and factory.


Strategical factory should be evacuated. The movie shows how destinies of those working on the factory and their families are being broken. And yet - they have no choice, but to live.


Based on the play of the same name by Aleksandr Volodin "Five Evenings". The end of the 1950s. Aleksandr Petrovich Ilyin travels to the city where he lived before the war. Visiting the telephone operator Zoya, he sees a familiar house through the window and decides to go there for only fifteen minutes. So Aleksandr gets into a communal apartment, where the love of his youth Tamara Vasilyevna lives. They met twenty years ago and fell in love, but the war separated them. Now Ilyin and Tamara Vasilyevna met again, and love broke out with renewed vigor...


The evolution of a nation during six decades of turbulent history is dramatized via two families from opposing classes.


A story about a married man who suddenly decides to leave his wife and marry rich woman.


Незаметный, скромный бухгалтер Сулин часто попадает в полусмешные-полугрустные ситуации — часто робеет, боится идти наперекор хоть кому-то. Пока однажды случай не помог ему вспомнить, что и он был когда-то решительным и отважным.


TV version of a play based on Ernest Hemingway's posthumous novel.


During the flight, the hero of the film, the boxing champion, recalls his life's journey. The hero’s childhood was in the first post-war years. He grew up without a father, his mother was busy with work, his older brother was in prison, the relationship with the new stepfather did not work out, and the boy was brought up on the street. There he learned to fight, and this led him to the boxing ring. Over time, the stubborn street boy became the champion of Europe.


War correspondent Lopatin takes a 20-day-leave from his hard work at the front in 1942. He travels to faraway Tashkent to meet the family of the killed soldier and visit the film set of the screen adaptation of his war-time stories. Lopatin also manages to walk the streets of Tashkent, take part in a factory workers' meeting and have a short-lived love affair. Although with no bombings and fighting, the city dwellers breathe the atmosphere of the ongoing war.


A story of a former stage singer who now works as a hairdresser and tries to raise her teenage son. Her teenage son is entering the adult world and tries to find his place in it. Her ex-husband tries to manage his relationships with his new family, his ex-wife and his son.

Mrs. Rada the Goat tells her five children to behave while she goes to the fair, and under no circumstances open the door to anyone except her. But the Big Bad Wolf, Kostika (Titi) Suru, and his nephew, the Little Bad Wolf, along with friends Rassul the Lynx and Petrika the Donkey has made a plan to kidnap the children while their mother is away. And when the eldest child, Matei, decides to disobey his mother and visit the fair himself, things start to go badly for the goat-family.


Denise de Flavigny, a young convent student, discovers a double-life of the organist Célestin, who teaches her music at the convent. He secretly composes popular operettas for his mistress Corinne. Célestin visits the city to witness the premiere of his latest effort; Denise escapes the convent as well. Following a quarrel with Célestin, Corinne walks out and instead, Denise appears in her role, taking the name Mam'zelle Nitouche. Denise falls in love with Fernand, a handsome young soldier. Both Denise and Célestin are mistaken for soldiers absent without leave and shipped off to an army camp. A series of coincidences brings happiness to all concerned.


In the Siberian taiga village of Wolf's Burrows, the Strogov family lives — Matvey with his wife Anna and his parents. Through the fate of this peasant family, a picture of the life of the Siberian region during major historical events — the Russo-Japanese War, the 1905 Revolution, the October Revolution of 1917 and the Civil War is outlined.


Based on the novel of the same name by Vera Panova. Twenties of the XX century. The country lived in the mainstream of the “peaceful” revolution — a young life was raging, not knowing fatigue and compromises. Shura Sevastyanov is a beginner in a small newspaper, with two classes of a parish school. Following the spirit of building communism — an ardent fighter against philistinism in any of its manifestations. Having two loyal companions — Zoya the big and Zoya the little — a principled and unyielding Shura at one fine moment realized that he was in love with his "ideological adversary" — Zoya Bolshaya — beautiful and self-absorbed, dreaming of a completely different life than he was.


The everyday life of a Soviet high school principal, a WWII veteran and an unfulfilled writer, whose vocation is teaching kids.


Five sad and funny romantic stories about love...


A musical comedy based on the classic play by Eugène Labiche.


Anna Georgievna Smirnova is a serious, businesslike and judicious person. It was these strengths of her character that helped the woman achieve high career results. Anna is a deputy and director of a textile factory in the Moscow region, who has long put an end to her personal life. She lives with her elderly mother. Her husband died, and her only daughter, Irina, is married. But suddenly, in a sanatorium in the southern resort of Anna, she meets a man named Volodya. He is a Muscovite, a former pilot, and now a driver. Volodya is younger than Anna, behind him two unsuccessful marriages. Between already middle-aged people a feeling of mutual sympathy erupts.


Peter married and was immediately appointed captain of the ship. In his first flight, the hero went with his wife — really wanted to introduce her to her mother. But mother offended on him…


Having saved money for a summer cottage and having chosen a suitable house, the couple of Petrovs decided without hesitation to enter into ownership rights. Right from the savings bank, the wife goes to the garden plot, and the husband has to pay the owners in Moscow. However, a thick bundle of money disappears from his pocket ...


The driver Karpukhin came under investigation because of a tragic accident, as a result of which a person died. The young investigator, believing Karpukhin, undertook to defend the defendant, but at some point yielded to someone else's opinion, after which the accused had to prove his innocence himself...


Set in beginning of 1700's, when tsar Pyotr was raising from ashes Russian fleet and sent dozens young people overseas to become navigators, story tells us about proud man who changed his stars. Taking place of his lazy master, he graduates from university and comes back to be judged by the one who send them.


The German anti-fascist Max in 1939 emigrated to the USSR. During the Great Patriotic War, he fought in the Soviet partisan detachment and died, performing a responsible mission. After many years, her companion in guerrilla warfare, Lyudmila, was able to realize their common dream — to climb to the top of Mount Rübezahl.

TV adaptation of Nikolai Chernyshevsky's novel about Vera Pavlovna, a woman who escapes the control of her family and arranged marriage to seek economic independence.

The good-natured scholar Christian-Theodore arrives in a small country where miracles occur. He falls in love with the beautiful Princess, whose marriage is a matter of national importance, because her husband will become the new king. But unlike many “suitors”, selfish thoughts are alien to Christian-Theodore. He is sincerely fascinated by her beauty and releases his Shadow, hoping to get a faithful helper in his quest to marry the Princess. But the Shadow is the embodiment of egoism, greed and meanness. Quickly betraying the scholar, he marries the Princess himself and takes the royal throne.


April 1941. According to intelligence received by the Chekists, a fascist sabotage group plans to blow up one of Moscow's defense plants. To find out the plans of saboteurs working under the auspices of the German embassy, ​​the NKVD sends one of its best employees, Sergei Biryukov, to the plant. He finds contact with the fascist agent Keller and finds out that the explosion is scheduled for June 21...


The Russian Civil War is over and the White Guard are all dead or abroad. Some of the exiled nobles are attempting to crown a new Tsar/Emperor abroad, and a couple of impostors are vying for the position. At the same time, some of the Elusive Avengers' old foes are trying to return to Russia, for mysterious reasons. The avengers are assigned the task of finding out what's going on. Turns out the bad guys are after the Russian Crown, which is encrusted with many diamonds and jewels. It is not clear whether the crown is only wanted for the coronation ceremony or if the bad guys are trying to sell it to the highest bidder, but either way they must be stopped. The avengers are after them. Two go to Paris to infiltrate the emigrant community, and the other two work on the Russian soil.


1942, the German Wehrmacht is trying to capture the Baku oilfields at the Black sea. Their biggest obstacle are the Caucasian Mountains and few Russians soldiers to stop them. The story revolves around an important Mountain Pass, that is heavily contested by both sides.


Second world war. In one of the German intelligence schools are preparing sabotage groups of Russian prisoners of war for casting in the USSR. Among them — Nikolai Verezhnikov, who, not being a professional scout, was able to impose their own game and interfere with the plans of the enemy…


Leonid Pleshcheyev returned from the war blind. Unwillingly he became dependent. He drowns his grief in deep drunkenness, thereby torturing his wife Mariya and their son, teenager Lyonya. Maria finally decides to pick up her son and go to Altai, but the boy runs away and returns to his father. So, together, they eked out a miserable existence, until Grigoriy Shalagin, Pleshcheyev's longtime friend, return from the army. It was he who awakens in Leonid the faded self-esteem and pride of the soldier. Leaving pity aside, he helps him get back to work.


A comedy about a young inventor girl, a brave veterinarian, his athletic friend and funny cycling races, where not strongest wins, but true friendship and love.


Based on the trilogy of Aleksandr Ostrovsky. Moscow, XIX century. A small official Misha Balzaminov lives in a small house. He, like his mother, sees his happiness in marrying a rich bride. Misha images in dreams and fantasies that he is a general or even a king — rich and domineering. And in reality, poor Balzaminov is haunted by setbacks...


Khristina, a peasant woman from a provincial village, decided to leave for the city in search of a better life. But, having not found there either a better life or happiness, she perishes ...


A Soviet trading ship sank into the Italian port. Sailor Roman went ashore. In one of the squares he heard singing. It was sung by Francesca. The sailor was delighted with her voice and beauty. They wandered for a long time that day on ancient streets and squares. And the next morning the war began. The Soviet ship had to urgently return to their homeland. It was difficult to part in love, but they believe that they will definitely meet.


In a young anthropologist's dream, he brings a member of the imaginary mountain tribe called Tapi to Moscow, in order to save him from being eaten by other tribesmen as well as to prove the tribe's existence to academia. The main character is probably based on Yeti.


Based on the novel of the same name by Nikolai Chukovsky. The end of August 1941. At night, a truck rushes along the last road not yet occupied by the enemy to Leningrad. In the back of two — civil aviation pilot Lunin and commissar of the air division Uvarov. Lunin, a man no longer young, experienced, but had not yet been in battle, was sent to the legendary squadron of fighter pilots under the command of Captain Rassokhin. This squadron fought from the first day of the war and has already lost most of its composition. The story of the harsh everyday life of the defenders of Leningrad, full of heroism and tragedy; about the heavy share of city residents who fell into the ring of an enemy blockade. In the center of the story is the fate of military pilots who had to fight in the sky over Leningrad and the Baltic.


A romantic story about the girl working in the musical instruments store.


It is the New Year's Eve and the employees of an Economics Institute are ready with their annual New Year's entertainment program. It includes a lot of dancing and singing, jazz band performance and even magic tricks. Suddenly, an announcement is made that a new director has been elected and that he is arriving shortly. Comrade Ogurtsov arrives in time to review and disapprove of the scheduled entertainment. To him, holiday fun has a different meaning. He imagines speakers reading annual reports to show the Institute's progress over the year, and, perhaps, a bit of serious music, something from the Classics, played by the Veterans' Orchestra. Obviously, no one wants to change the program a few hours before the show, much less to replace it with something so boring! Now everyone has to team up in order to prevent Ogurtsov from getting to the stage. As some of them trap Ogurtsov one way or another, others perform their scheduled pieces and celebrate New Year's Eve.


A drama about a daily life of a doctors in a military hospital.


A promotional concert film made for promoting and introducing Moscow to foreigners.

A criminal story about how a KGB investigator tries to rehabilitate an innocent-convicted Red Army soldier and when she manages to prove his innocence - the power in the country changes and it is removed from further investigation.