Maarten Wansink

Under president Isimo, the Netherlands must be made clean and fresh. All ugly children are deported, but some escape and launch an uprising. Adapted from Koos Meinderts’ children’s book.


Follow the adventures of the real St. Nick and all his helpers.


Easter 1965. We see Fien de la Mar as an embittered old woman who makes long phone calls at night with people who would rather not speak to her. Through flashbacks we see her arriving as a young girl on the stage with her father Nap de la Mar. We see her in different stages: when she is already a huge star, when she's on the movie set, when she is a diva with her own theater. And we we see her in her downfall after attempting suicide after her husband's death.

Koekebakker is a successful journalist His old mates, however, turned out failures: Bekker has lost all hope of changing the world, Hoyer works for the socialist party, Bavink suffers from mental problems and Kees is a simple laborer.

Three people travel to the small town of Geldrop after a gruesome event has changed their lives.
