Mac Ahlberg

When a black market antiques deal is botched by a goon and his girlfriend, the mummified remains of an alien they were selling is revived by the blood of the murdered dealer. Elridge (Darrow Igus). The bloodhungry mummy is on the run, and stumbles upon an in-patient psychiatric facility that is home to dozens of beautiful, voluptuous nymphomaniacs.


Residents of a half-way house are bombarded by 6 foot long killer scorpions. A horror/comedy homage to the giant mutant bug films of the 1950's. The film was shown at the Frightvision Horror Festival in 2003, but has yet to see release on DVD, Blu-ray, or VOD.


A young drifter, struggling to makes ends meet, accepts a job to kill a prominent accountant. When he isn't paid for the hit, revenge is now his path.


Peter Hertz tells a woman the past stories about the puppets, but she secretly wants to kill them.


When Karen and her significant other move to a new apartment, they discover an old antique bed. Karen absolutely loves it and she soon allows it to inspire her artwork. However, a series of disturbing dreams begin to haunt Karen. Eventually she starts to become unhinged and her paranoia overtakes every aspect of her life.


When Kate discovers she has a terminal illness, she persuades boyfriend Andy to visit Groom Lake, a reputed hotbed of alien activity, hoping to discover proof of life beyond this terrestrial sphere. Soon, the pair crosses paths with desperate government scientists, eccentric locals and a surprising -- and inspiring --conspiracy of epic proportions.


While visiting a traveling carnival full of human freaks, high school students nearly join as permanent members.


An old dog has a hard time learning new tricks in this drama set in Turku. Ari, a paramedic, is a chronic womanizer; he makes it a point of pride to never sleep with the same woman twice, and his nights are a long series of brazen one-night stands. But when Ari meets Tiina (Laura Malmivaara), something unexpected happens - he falls in love. For the first time, Ari finds himself pursuing a long-term relationship, and he makes a genuine effort to remain faithful to her. But old habits die hard; Tiina introduces Ari to her circle of friends and temptation arises as he encounters Hanna-Riikka, a theology student, and Ilona, who is soon to be married. Despite Ari's feelings for Tiina, he begins having affairs with both Hanna-Riikka and Ilona, leading to an unpleasant revelation on the day of Ilona's nuptials. ~ Mark Deming, Allrovi


A teenaged rapper uses his Gran's magic powders to help him in his revenge against those who put her in the hospital.


Gomez is a middle-aged man who dreams of buying a gorgeous white suit in a nearby store, but doesn't have enough cash. He finds 4 more people of same size, who each give $20 and get to wear the suit for an hour each in return. But the suit is not just a suit - it makes wishes of the one wearing it come true.


Two hapless youths lead their burger joint in a fight against the giant fast-food chain across the street.


A man claiming to be Carol Brady's long-lost first husband, Roy Martin, shows up at the suburban Brady residence one evening. An impostor, the man is actually determined to steal the Bradys' familiar horse statue, a $20-million ancient Asian artifact.


John Canyon is one of the last independent space transport entrepreneurs. Rough times force him to carry suspicious cargo to Earth without questions being asked. During the flight the cargo turns out to be multitude of unstoppable and deadly killer robots.


David Letterman vies with Jay Leno and his manager to succeed Johnny Carson, retiring from "The Tonight Show."


The original '70s TV family is now placed in the 1990s, where they're even more square and out of place than ever.


Meredith Baxter plays Joyce Wadler in this heartwarming story of hope, courage and redemption inspired by the New York City journalist's real-life struggle with breast cancer. Stuck in a lackluster relationship with her boyfriend, she's forced to re-examine her life when she receives the troubling diagnosis.


Back in sunny southern California and on the trail of two murderers, Axel Foley again teams up with LA cop Billy Rosewood. Soon, they discover that an amusement park is being used as a front for a massive counterfeiting ring – and it's run by the same gang that shot Billy's boss.


Coming from a police family, Tom Hardy ends up fighting his uncle after the murder of his father. Tom believes the killer is another cop, and goes on the record with his allegations. Demoted to water-way duty Tom, along with new partner Jo Christman, navigate the three rivers looking for clues and discovering bodies. This time the victims are women Tom knows, he must find the killer to prove his innocence.


A beautiful vampire turns a crime lord into a creature of the night.


Angelo "Snaps" Provolone made his dying father a promise on his deathbed: he would leave the world of crime and become an honest businessman. Despite having no experience in making money in a legal fashion, Snaps sets about to keep his promise.


Short film accompanying Michael Jackson's Black or White single.

Unicom is a powerful organization overseeing most of the world after its economic collapse. They have banned computers and robots in an attempt to insure "life, liberty, and the pursuit of economic stability". When a Unicom Synth robot infiltrates a southwest TV station and kills the manager, a revolutionary against the gestapo-like corporation, a lowly Unicom delivery man must help the rest of the station survive through the incoming "thermal storm".


Catherine Bomarzini returns to the family castle in Italy after her father's death and gets caught in the web of a mysterious love triangle: a man who is at times repulsive, at others enchanting; and a creature of the night whose gentle eyes and touch reveal his infinitive love and devotion. With the help of Martha, her faithful childhood nanny, and the ghost of a slain young girl, Catherine discovers the medieval curse that threatens their lives and only she can dispel.


Detective Lucas McCarthy finally apprehends "Meat Cleaver Max" and watches the electric chair execution from the audience. But killing Max Jenke only elevated him to another level of reality. Now Lucas' family is under attack, his sanity in question, and his house haunted. Aided by a disreputable college professor, can Lucas reclaim his mind, house, and family? Features Lance Henriksen as the Lucas McCarthy and Brion James as Max Jenke. One of the few movies featuring these actors as main characters.


50 years after a nuclear war, the two superpowers handle territorial disputes in a different way. Each fields a giant robot to fight one-on-one battles in official matches, each piloted by a man inside, known as robot jockeys or jox. The contest for possession of Alaska will be fought by two of the best. The conscientious Achilles fights for the Americans. Opposing him is a Russian, Alexander.


An intergalactic fighting competition between champions of various worlds has traditionally been won by a species much larger and stronger than humans. Entering the contest, a human finds he has to battle against not just his opponents and his self-doubts, but the corrupt system. Far in the future, on a distant space station, the legendary Arena is where the best fighters from every planet come to vie for the championship. But for over half a century, no Earthling has been good enough to be a contender. Until out of nowhere, comes an underdog: the great human hope, Steve Armstrong... and the best anyone's ever seen. He's been training all his life for a shot at the big time, but now he's up against some mighty big muscle: a ruthless extra-terrestrial crimelord who'll pull no punches to make sure he stops Steve dead. In the mood for hard-hitting sci-fi action? Arena will knock you out!


The crew of an experimental underwater nuclear base are forced to struggle for their lives when their explorations disturb a creature who threatens to destroy their base.


In this 'sequel' anthology, the film offers a TRANCERS sequel written by original creators Danny Bilson and Paul DeMeo, a new Lovecraft adaptation THE EVIL CLERGYMAN, featuring Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton, and finally a sequel to THE DUNGEONMASTER.


Deputy Langley tracks a kidnapped girl to an abandoned ghost town. However, the town is not abandoned, but haunted by the spirits of an outlaw, Devlin, and his gang, who hold the equally deceased townspeople hostage until the outlaws can be killed by a lawman.


Jack Deth the super cop from the future, has put away three centuries worth of time traveling criminals. But Deth's most dangerous collar, the ultraviolent assassin Edlin Shock, has escaped from her maximum security holding cell and won't rest until she's exacted revenge. Meanwhile, Deth is trying to make a life for himself as a private eye in 1988 Los Angeles with his hot-blooded girlfriend Lena. Relationship troubles are just the beginning of Deth's problems when he learns that Edlin Shock has followed him back in time.


The first of the "lost" "PULSE POUNDERS" shorts to be restored, "H.P. LOVECRAFT's THE EVIL CLERGYMAN" re-unites horror's hottest duo: Jeffrey Combs and Barbara Crampton! "THE EVIL CLERGYMAN" also stars horror legends David Warner and David Gale (Dr. Hill from "RE-ANIMATOR").


After Charles Forsyth was sent to the electric chair for a crime he didn't commit, he forever haunts the prison where he was executed. Flash forward several years when the prison is reopened, under the control of its new warden Eaton Sharpe, a former security guard who framed Charlie. When prisoners are ordered to break down the wall to the execution room, they unknowingly release the angry spirit of Charles Forsyth, a powerful being distributing his murderous rage to all, leading up to the Warden himself.


A precocious girl, her nasty parents, two punk-rock losers and a weak-kneed salesman inadvertently become the guests of two ghoulish senior citizens in their dark, haunted mansion. The old couple makes and collects dolls that, when not sitting still like good little mannequins, creep around in the night, offing the guests one by one.


A group of scientists have developed the Resonator, a machine which allows whoever is within range to see beyond normal perceptible reality. But when the experiment succeeds, they are immediately attacked by terrible life forms.


A former pilot rebels against his creator, teaming up with the scientist responsible for android technology, her pet robot Spot, a rough-and-tumble riverboat guide, and a martial arts warrior.


While siphoning bank funds, computer-wise lovers spot a plot to sink the Federal Reserve.


American soldiers, led by The Sarge, are stuck behind Nazi enemy lines. As they make their way across the Italian countryside, they come across an alien spaceship that has crash-landed in the woods. The alien pilot is dead, but one of the ship's passengers is on the loose. As the GIs hunt down the alien by splitting into smaller groups, they're not only tracked by the Nazis, but also a whole host of other aliens come to save their stranded party.


Roger Cobb is a author who has just separated from his wife. He moves into a new house and tries to work on a novel based on his experiences in the Vietnam War. Strange things start happening around him; little things at first, but as they become more frequent, Cobb becomes aware that the house resents his presence.


A dedicated student at a medical college and his girlfriend become involved in bizarre experiments centering around the re-animation of dead tissue when an odd new student arrives on campus.


When skiers in Japan come across the frozen body of centuries-old samurai warrior Yoshimita, scientists secretly whisk the corpse to a high-tech laboratory in California, where they bring him back to life. But when Yoshimita escapes onto the mean streets of 1980s Los Angeles, his ancient and strict code of honor gets him both into and out of trouble. J. Larry Carroll directs this low-budget action fantasy.


Paul, a computer whiz who spends more time with his machine than with his girlfriend, finds that he has been chosen as a worthy opponent for Mestema, an evil wizard who has spent centuries searching for a challenging foe. After having his computer changed into a wristband weapon, Paul does battle with a variety of monsters before finally coming face to face with the ultimate adversary.


A young man and his girlfriend move into the man's old mansion home, where he becomes possessed by a need to control ancient demons.


Angel City trooper Jack Deth is sent back in time from 2247 to 1985 L.A. to inhabit the body of his ancestor. Deth's assignment is to find his archenemy, Whistler, who turns people into zombies, before the fiend is able to kill all the ancestors of the future's governing council.


After a young woman is gang raped and murdered in a California college town, her brother takes up arms by night with a gang of like-minded vigilantes from his fraternity, brutally punishing any miscreants they catch in a criminal act.


High school senior Bobby Chrystal fails his French class, which will block him from entering Yale. His rich, authoritarian father hires an attractive 29-year-old to tutor Bobby over the summer and help him pass a make-up exam. While Bobby's friends lead him away into strange excursions aimed at losing their virginity, Bobby finds all the extracurricular activities he needs with his new tutor.


A seeker named Dogen rescues Dhyana after her father is murdered by the evil Jared-Syn. To avenge her father's death, Dogen must find Jared-Syn's hideout in the mysterious "Lost City", but the only person who knows where it is an aging, burned-out seeker named Rhodes. Along the way, they will need to do battle against the hunter Baal and his Cyclopean minions for engaging Jared-Syn in a final encounter.


A beautiful newscaster is stalked and tormented by a photographer obsessed with her beauty.


Paul Dean has created a deadly parasite that is now attached to his stomach. He and his female companion, Patricia Welles, must find a way to destroy it while also trying to avoid Ricus, his rednecks, and an evil government agent named Merchant.


Four college pledges are forced to spend the night in a deserted old mansion where they get killed off one by one by the monstrous surviving members of a family massacre years earlier for trespassing on their living grounds.


Loretta is a singer and escort in a mob-owned NYC nightclub and illegal casino. The favorite working girl of manager George, Loretta is unhappy with her current occupation and looking for a way out. George, meanwhile, is losing his stranglehold on the business. Complications arise when Loretta finds herself falling for a man she meets in her off-hours.


Little is known about this probably never released film.

Hard times have fallen on the Transylvanian House of Dracula. To help pay the taxes, Castle Dracula has been converted into the Hotel Transylvania. Dracula himself is aging and toothless, being cared for by his granddaughter Nocturna. When Nocturna books a disco group to play The Claret Room and winds up falling in love with one of the backup guitarists, a mortal named Jimmy, she notices that she is able to see her reflection when she dances, so she decides to follow Jimmy to New York in search of mortality.


In Stockholm, Fanny Hill is tired of being a housewife, and she suspects that her husband Roger, a TV-commercial director who's surrounded by starlets, is cheating on her. So, she sets a trap for him with her friend Monica, files for divorce, and heads to Hollywood, with Monica, to meet film stars. She falls into a film career, with lots of nude scenes, and as it takes her from L.A. to Hong Kong and Venice, Roger follows her, jealous, hoping to win her back. In every city, she acts and she seduces, making comedy out of both; but does her heart still belong to Roger? It's on to Munich to find out.


This adaptation of Emile Zola's novel "NANA," is about the sexual liaisons of a woman who through her relationships with different men, enjoys a life of pleasure and luxury. However, her lavish life-style does not always bring happiness.


The story concerns the sexual awakening of a young woman who is the daughter of a socially conservative and religious Danish couple.


The classic tale of a young woman's erotic awakening is transplanted to swinging '60s Stockholm...


Newly married to a sexually perverted German millionaire, Siv submits herself to endless degradation before discovering that her husband harbors a diabolical secret.


When a vagrant family arrives to the village Vindinge one hot summer in the 1920's, the parish is spiced up with sex and alcohol. Based on a novel by Swedish Academy member Artur Lundkvist.


A poor dandy embezzled large sums of money and buys the title Marquis De Sade to impress the upper class. The film premiered as "I am a Marquis."


The journalist Gunnar meets the cancer-patient Seija and love arises. Seija has only a short time left to live. The doctors advice her not to become pregnant, because radiotherapy could harm the fetus. She interrupts the radiotherapy and give later birth a healthy child. Meanwhile, it turns out that pregnancy has cured her cancer.


During his military service a man meets a woman who works in the kitchen at the camp and they start a relationship. When the man is a out on combat exercises, he becomes a witness to his Sergeant being paralyzed by a snake.


A causerie about the bed's history with a mixture of recorded sections and classical music.

Liv is a franlky sexual being. She finds herself in a series of sexual relationships with men who, she says, fall too much in love with her and become opressive. Finally she meets a man who is very much like her, but that brings its own problems.


A group of women are workmates at a laundry. Rike is spreading a rumour about Marta who is in charge, a rumour that Marta is a lesbian and that she once tried to seduce Rike.


A story about a boy named Anders, who lives in an ordinary Swedish family in an apartment at the train station. Through his childhood, he experiences life's glorious scents of beautiful flowers and green forest, close and warm relationships with his grandparents and joyful play with his siblings. He has a strong friendship with his father and a great love for his mother. Still he lives in fear of death. He is afraid of losing all of this that is so valuable to him. In his thoughts and fears, he often turns often God, just as his sister, mother and grandparents, and ask Him for help and protection.


A melancholic depiction of life in a small Swedish town, seen through the eyes of a six-year-old boy.