Maciej Ślesicki

The world is devastated by an ecological catastrophe. An old mercenary with a lung disease receives a seemingly simple assignment to deliver a young girl to a destination that would enable him to retire.

Somewhere at the world’s end, in a small fishing village, live two brothers who couldn’t be more different. Every day, while the older brother works hard, the younger one turns on the radio to participate in a competition in hope that winning will change his life. A sudden disappearance of their father forces both men to take on his mantle in the port and brings them closer together.

Raised by an alcoholic father, a sheep breeder, Kuba is growing up in a small village where nothing ever happens. One day, an old friend from the big city arrives.


Based on a true story, a film about teenage Luka who goes to a religious rehab centre led by a self-proclaimed priest, Antonio. The despotic regime enforced with moral and physical torture make him realise that escape is the only way to survive.

Piotr comes home on the day of the 16th birthday of his daughter Kamila. He finds the girl unconscious, in a pool of blood. Doctors’ diagnosis is a shock for the man. From now on, their life will not be the same. The father takes care of his daughter in the cruel world.


Forty-something Leon is an alcoholic, ex-special forces barely scraping by when he's hired by a mobster to protect his 16 year old daughter. Not only does Leon have to clean up his act, but also handle the romantic advances of his ward and the keen attention of his dangerous employers.


Daddy is the story of a divorced father fighting for the right to raise his 7-year-old daughter. When his marriage falls apart, he decides to kidnap his daughter rather than let the court award custody to his mentally ill wife, whom he deems unfit to raise their child. But as he quickly finds out, it's easier to be a real man than it is to be a real father.


One country. Four directors. Six comedy-dramas. Each of them works as a separate story, together they form a coherent whole. All of them are based on seemingly mundane situations that take a perverse turn, bringing the heroes to the brink of their endurance.
