Madeleine Bouchez

In Montmartre, Paris, two friends are leading a happy carefree Bohemian existence. Jean-Luc is a cabinetmaker, Mathieu is a sculptor. Then they both meet the love of their lives and decide to get married. Unfortunately, the objects of their desire are not so eager to be drawn into matrimony.


August in Brittany at a seaside hotel. Some guests are new, some come every year and are friends. The men nearing middle age fish and plan infidelities; their wives have surprises of their own in store. Teens fall in and out of love. Kids not yet teens have their own parties and friendships. In 11 months, most but not all will be back.


In Luis Buñuel’s deliciously satiric masterpiece, an upper-class sextet sits down to dinner but never eats, their attempts continually thwarted by a vaudevillian mixture of events both actual and imagined.
