Madeleine Guitty

Gaston, an artist in love with an upper class English girl, accepts to stay away from her when a wealthy rival offers to pay her father's heavy debt. Broken-hearted, he leaves for France with his young servant. They join a young girl as popular musicians and tour the countryside in their way to Paris, where his former love reappears.


In Paris, a stage-struck would-be actor is mistaken for an escaped convict.


Zou Zou tries to help her childhood friend prove his innocence after he's accused of murder.


Rémy (Robert Lynen), a stolen child is adopted by a wandering singer. With him and his trained animals, Rémy travels the roads of France. But his adoptive father dies and Remy, who has knowledge of a boy who knows something of his history, sails for England to find his mother.


Open and shut case: Maxime Dartois, the painter, is found dead in his penthouse with three bullets in his body, but the pistol that killed him is still being held by the (fainted) young lady by his side. A detective will find a few odd notes, and the plot thickens when plenty of people are interviewed, and more than one could have the will, and the opportunity, to be the killer, and it is not clear what the relationship of the girl was with the deceased.

French Film


Also known as Lilac, this early Anatole Litvak-directed talkie was based on a play by Tristan Bernard and Charles Henry Hirsch. The story bears traces of the Bertold Brecht-Weill piece The Threepenny Opera, with heroine Lilac (Marcelle Romeo) consorting with the criminal scum of Paris. Lilac falls in love with a handsome detective (Andre Luguet), but he doesn't let his emotions stand in the way of his duty, and in the end he reluctantly turns her over to the authorities. At $120,000, Coeur de Lilas was one of the most expensive movies to come out of France in 1931, but it more than made back its cost at the box-office.


A French musical comedy film, one of the many operetta films made in the 1930s.


If Fernandel did not appear in a supporting part ,another short (by E.Chotin who made dozens of them)which would not have been restored.But Fernandel is here ,playing a street pedlar selling luxury (sic) clothes on the flea market with a gorgeous girl as a model.This is a rather desultory script but Fernandel's presence makes the short worthwhile.He sings one song: "le Père Lapuce".


Garadoux has beaten his wife. His lawyer Fremissin is young and very shy, and therefore, not very efficient... Two years after, Garadoux is trying to seduce Cecile, but she prefers Fremissin...


A painter is in love with a girl he suspects to be a kept woman when he sees her in the arms of an old gentleman.

When bored American billionaire Charles Vanel is amused by the happiness of poor railroad man Nicolas Koline, he offers him a wager: if Koline and his family can spend 20,000 francs a day (about $11,000 in current American money) for a year, then he'll give him a nice pension. The rest of the movie is about the poor man and his family's efforts to win the bet.


A French washerwoman becomes a duchess and a friend of Napoleon.


Geneviève is an orphan child and living with her little sister Josette. Because of her economic situation, she cancels marriage with an honest and respectful man. Josette, after a short and tremendous love affair, dies leaving a little baby boy. Due to this incident, Geneviève is convicted and imprisoned. Wandering from town to town, village to village, she finally manages to get to her ancient fiance's house.

One of the first feminist movies, this is the story of an intelligent woman trapped in a loveless marriage.


In Gossette (1923), Dulac experimented with and designed a number of special lenses and prisms to produce a variety of effects and multiply the expressive means which translate the characters' visions and mental states. She also reversed class and gender roles, as she made the female character Gossette come to the aid of Phillipe de Savières, falsely accused of murder, in order to save his name.

Bamboche threw his wife in the water. She's not dead and re-married with Dartès under an alias. Dartès himself goes under the name of one of Bamboche's friend's. The bigamist wife then falls in love with another man : Dr Verdier, who loves Mariette, a sweet girl who turns out to be the child Dartès abandoned long ago.

Jeanne Doré becomes the accomplice of her son Jacques who unfortunately commits a crime to help his mistress, Fanny, find money.


The constant smile of the eternally amiable Jacques Perdrot often complicates his life. Appointed chief of police at Castel-Boudin, he takes up his new post accompanied by his maid and his godmother, who watches over his virtue, and by the Widow Gibard, who is determined to marry him. At Castel-Boudin, his smile has great effect, provoking distaste and misunderstandings.

Phémie comes to work as a maid in the Chaloupié household. An article and a photograph in the newspaper convince the Chaloupiés that their new servant is in fact none other than Miss Arabella Machefeller, the daughter of the celebrated American millionaire, looking for some worthy people with whom to share her fortune.

When women start running for office, they leave their emasculated husbands to care for the babies. They turn the Chambre des Députées into a huge screaming cat fight.
