Madeleine Sims-Fewer

A traumatic betrayal drives a woman towards a vengeful extremity.

A ten year old girl struggles with the residual trauma of her sexual abuse.


A woman finds herself trapped in a bathroom stall by a man whose intentions are not entirely clear.


Rape Card is a cautionary tale set in a chilling dystopian future where rape is legal. Frances tries to control her fate by planning her own assault, and targets a young boy who just got his rape card.

14-year-old Emma struggles to hide her alopecia, a condition of rapid, unpredictable hair loss.

In 1967, four undercover CIA agents were sent to NASA posing as a documentary film crew. What they discovered led to one of the biggest conspiracies in American history.


A young teacher takes a job at an unusual private school where she soon discovers that the boys have a sinister power over the girls. As the boys behaviour becomes increasingly threatening she uncovers the source of the girls fear; an ominous locked door at the back of the classroom.


A jealous husband plots his sick revenge.

A couple constantly push the line between being comfortable with and abusive towards each other, resulting in an unexpected outcome.
