Madoka Yoshida

A high school girl finally gets her own apartment, but she has to share it with the most popular boy in school. No one can know they're living together.


Set several days after "Joker Game". 7 girls, who lost in a game, are gathered at a correctional institution. The girls must now participate in "Escape Game of Death". The 7 girls, who are locked in a room, have to find hidden clues and must cooperate with one another to escape. Because of a trap, the first victim comes out…


All seniors at a high school stay together at a camp, including student Chinatsu. On their first day, the home room teacher announces that all the students must play the card game "Old Maid". In order to reverse the declining academic abilities of its younger generation, the Japanese government planned this camping program. In this card game, the students that lose will meet their deaths.
