Mae Busch

Modern comedians share their thoughts about Laurel and Hardy. Also includes archival footage of contemporary comedians. Hosted by Dom DeLuise.


A compulsive liar admits to a killing she didn't commit so her husband, a lawyer, can clear her and build a reputation for himself.


Soon after a veteran's return from war his cheating wife is found dead. He evades police in an attempt to find the real murderer.


Rivals Bill Arden and Paul Herbert enter the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis in order to impress a girl.


A mad scientist changes his simple-minded handyman into a werewolf in order to prove his supposedly crazy scientific theories - and exact revenge.


Alan tries to keep his wife from meeting an old flame of his.

Discovery by Flo Ziegfeld changes a girl's life but not necessarily for the better, as three beautiful women find out when they join the spectacle on Broadway: Susan, the singer who must leave behind her ageing vaudevillian father; vulnerable Sheila, the working girl pursued both by a millionaire and by her loyal boyfriend from Flatbush; and the mysterious European beauty Sandra, whose concert violinist husband cannot endure the thought of their escaping from poverty by promenading her glamor in skimpy costumes.


Joyce and Fred MacNeil's honeymoon comes to an abrupt and unsatisfying halt when Fred is accused of murder. Railroaded into prison through the efforts of politically ambitious assistant DA Marlin (John Miljan), Fred awaits his doom on Death Row, while Joyce works overtime on the outside to clear her husband's name


Foxes are disappearing from fox farms.


Nancy Drew and Ted Nickerson solve a kidnapping case of a wealthy elderly lady. Ted has to disguise himself as a nurse while Nancy becomes a "widow" in order to locate the lady they are rescuing.


Shirley Ross plays an innocent young girl convicted for complicity in a crime committed by her boy friend (Lloyd Nolan). The male crook is sentence to six months on a prison farm populated by both men and women (segregated, of course). Ross is also incarcerated, suffering the cruelties of the sadistic male and female guards (including J. Carroll Naish and future "Ma Kettle" Marjorie Main!)


The young Austrian princess Marie Antoinette is arranged to marry Louis XVI, future king of France, in a politically advantageous marriage for the rival countries. The opulent Marie indulges in various whims and flirtations. When Louis XV passes and Louis XVI ascends the French throne, his queen's extravagant lifestyle earns the hatred of the French people, who despise her Austrian heritage.


The Bellows family causes comic confusion on an ocean liner, with time out for radio-style musical acts.


A Chinese-American woman tries to expose an illegal alien smuggling ring.


Stan and Ollie travel with a band of 18th-century Gypsies holding a nobleman's daughter.


15-Chapter Serial about a scientist that discovers a formula for making synthetic gold and the people that want it.


A district attorney sends a young man to the electric chair, then lands in the death house himself.


Stan and Ollie are greeting card salesmen who agree to help a woman put a spark in her loveless marriage by making her husband jealous.


Stan & Ollie have set up their own electrical repair store. Unfortunately, for them, the grocery store opposite is run by the man and wife they encountered in Them Thar Hills (1935). Stan & Ollie go and visit, to offer the hand of friendship, but the grocer becomes convinced that Ollie is trying to seduce his wife.


Barbershop owners Stan and Ollie answer an ad in the newspaper from a wealthy widow looking for a husband. Ollie only mails in his response and is invited to the widow's mansion. Stan discovers his unmailed letter and insists on tagging along. At the mansion, the widow's creepy butler informs them that the woman is crazy. She was once jilted by an Oliver and now her hobby is marrying Olivers and then slitting their throats. Now the boys must figure out how to escape.


Fish market workers Stan and Ollie are persuaded by a sea captain to shanghai a crew for him at the local bar for a dollar a head. Successful at first, the boys end up getting themselves shanghaied, and the crew vow revenge.


Four "Picture Brides", from New Orleans, arrive in the Brazilian jungle on a riverboat, brought there to marry workers at Lottagrasso, a remote mining site of the Standard Diamond Mines.Also on the boat with the four "mail-order" brides (Americans Mame Smith, Flo Lane, and Gwen from England and Lena from Europe) is Mary Lee, a frightened and innocent girl, who has come to see the mine's brutal supervisor, Von Luden , about a job.


In a packed courtroom, Butch Long vows revenge on 'squealers' Laurel and Hardy whose evidence has helped to send him to prison. Frightened, the boys plan to leave town and advertise for someone to share expenses with them. The woman who answers the ad is actually Butch's girlfriend. Meanwhile Butch escapes and hides in a trunk in his girlfriend's apartment where he gets locked inside. Not realizing who it is, Stan and Ollie finally manage to get the trunk open and then Butch exacts his revenge.


The story involves Stan and Ollie traveling to the mountains for Ollie to recover from gout. They park their caravan near a cabin of moonshiners; the moonshiners dump their brew in a well, which Stan and Ollie proceed to drink from, thinking that it is healthy mountain water.


When Blondie Johnson's mother dies in poverty, Blondie vows that she will never be poor again. Convinced that virtue doesn't pay, she travels to the city and immediately begins a con with the help of taxi driver Red Charley. Later that evening, after splitting the take with Red, one of her marks, Danny Jones, spots her and invites her home with him for a talk.


Ollie and Stan deceive their wives into thinking they are taking a medically necessary cruise when they are really going to a lodge convention.


One woman faces many trials on the road to romance after unwittingly marrying a bigamist, then a carnival's barker and then falling for a young engineer.


A phony spiritualist hypnotizes the daughter of a wealthy banker in a scheme to swindle the banker out of his money. A reporter investigating the swami discovers the plot, determines to expose it.


Vaudevillian Joe Pitt sweeps young Sally Patter off of her feet and steals the lovestruck girl away from her small-town family to join his act. She winds up heartbroken, pregnant and broke when Joe runs off with the magician's sexy assistant. Sally bravely persists and her immense dancing and singing talent gain the notice of prominent producer, Wade Valentine. Under Valentine's tutelage, she rockets to Broadway stardom while Joe Pitt is reduced to waiting on tables. Alone, Sally proudly gives birth to a baby son. Wade proposes marriage to his beloved protege and it appears that Joe Pitt may never learn about the son he has fathered.


A reporter sets out to prove that his girlfriend was framed and sent to prison.


Rigby, Larribee, and Grant each have one third of Bill Joyce's map locating his gold mine. The three plus Joyce's sister Helen head for the mine. An accident with a runaway horse carrying supplies leaves them stranded in the desert with very little water.


A homeless woman living at the city dump hears of the death of a wealthy industrialist and puts in a claim on his estate for her daughter, who is actually the rightful heir.


During the Russian Revolution, a young nobleman and his peasant maid flee from their homeland to Constantinople where they marry and begin a challenging new life.


Sixth entry in the Rufftown 2-reel comedy series based on stories by Arthur 'Bugs' Baer.


Nightclub singer Joan Gordon runs away from her gangster boyfriend to become a mail-order bride to a struggling North Dakota farmer. Their relationship has a rocky start, but just as Joan realizes she's developing feelings for her husband, her old boyfriend arrives to win her back.


Fresh from his success with the moody melodrama Murders in the Rue Morgue, director Robert Florey dashed off The Man Called Back at bargain-basement Tiffany Studios. The film is set in the tropics; Conrad Nagel tops the cast as a dissipated, derelict doctor, hopelessly in love with married socialite Doris Kenyon. Doris' insane husband John Halliday commits suicide, but arranges the evidence so that his wife will be charged with murder.


Mrs Hardy is annoyed that her husband Oliver seems to spend more time with his friend Stanley than with her. After a furious argument, Mrs Hardy says that she is through if Ollie goes out with Stan again. Stan suggests that Ollie adopts a baby, which he does. Unfortunately, his wife has left their apartment on returning, and a process server delivers a paper informing Ollie that she is suing him for divorce, naming Stan as correspondent. The boys are now left to look after the infant on their own.


During a boxing match a fighter accidentally kills his opponent in the ring. Afterwards he finds himself falling in love with the dead man's sister.


Though well past 50, Harry Carey could still play a virile and convincing cowboy hero in such inexpensive westerns as Without Honors. Carey is cast as Jack Marian, a gambler with an unsavory past. Suspected of being an outlaw, Carey plays along with this misconception, the better to infiltrate a gang of smugglers. Along the way, he clears the name of the brother of Texas ranger Mike Donovan, and helps patch up the romance between Donovan and heroine Mary Jane Irving. Among the supporting players are Gibson Gowland, previously the star of Erich Von Stroheim's silent classic Greed, and the "ever popular" Mae Busch, taking a break from her usual duties in the Laurel and Hardy comedies.


A wisecracking New York reporter intrudes on a research scientist's quest to unmask The Moon Killer.


Margot Rande, a basically decent woman, is led down the path to perdition by her bank robber husband.


Ollie is running for mayor when an old flame (Mae Busch) tries to blackmail him with a old photo.


The Hardys wish to have a quiet evening in their apartment, but are interrupted when the Laurels pay a visit. Stan and Ollie go out for ice cream, and manage to prevent a shrewish woman from committing suicide on the way back home. The woman is ungrateful and makes threats against the them unless they look after her. They spend a chaotic evening trying to keep her hidden from their wives.


A gang of racketeers, with the aid of a high-ranking city official has control of a big-city, and the police plant an undercover cop to gather evidence against the hoodlums - except the police keep telling the wrong person what they are up to.


A carnival sideshow dancer falls in love with a handsome young man.


Notable for being Laurel and Hardy's first sound film (hence the title, drawn from the popular cliché "Unaccustomed as we are to public speaking ..."). The soundtrack was lost for fifty years until it was traced on disc in the late 1970s. This is the first film in which Hardy says to Laurel, "Why don't you do something to help me!" which immediately became a catch-phrase, repeated in numerous subsequent films. Also heard for the first time is Stan's distinctive, high-pitched whimper of distress. The plot of "Unaccustomed As We Are" was expanded into a full-length feature, Block-Heads, in 1938.


Chick Williams, a prohibition gangster, rejoins his mob soon after being released from prison. When a policeman is murdered during a robbery, he falls under suspicion. The gangster took Joan, a policeman's daughter, to the theater, sneaked out during the intermission to commit the crime, then used her to support his alibi. The detective squad employs its most sophisticated and barbaric techniques, including planting an undercover agent in the gang, to bring him to justice.


Young lawyer John Vickery is in love with his wife, but he thinks she is in love with another man...

A tough New York cop is determined to bring down a crook who has always managed to provide an alibi for the crimes he's been accused of, even though the detective knows he's guilty of committing them.


A magician seeks vengeance upon the man who paralyzed him and the illegitimate daughter he sired with the magician's wife.


An Arab prince born and raised in the desert and a beautiful Frenchwoman from Paris fall in love and marry, but the tremendous differences in their backgrounds and the cultural differences between their two different societies put strains on their marriage that may well prove irreparable.


Titus Tillsbury is a successful businessman who is visited by a blackmailing old flame. He enlists a friend (Stan) to keep her away from his home and wife. This film was later remade almost scene for scene as the three-reel talkie Chickens Come Home (1931).


Marie Devere and Helen Gray are two sophisticated, gold-digging chorus girls on the look-out to marry a rich man, who measure the men they meet by their Bradshaw ratings. They befriend Lettie Crain, a country girl who comes near being deceived by Bartley Mortimer, a rich playboy. She is saved by another girl, Cynthia Kane, whose life Mortimer has ruined, and Lettie finds happiness with Bob Garrett, a poor but honest working man.

Sally Mapes and her husband, Robert, have a glorious romance after they are married but it hits troubled water after the birth of a son. Robert thinks Sally care more for their son than she does him, and he just drifts along with his club-and-society activities, while Sally thinks his neglect is because he no longer loves her. Sally is attracted by Paul Gregg, one of society's useless members, and this leads Sally and Robert to have an argument, and Robert departs. Jennie, the baby's governess, has an affair with a crook named Barnes and, one night, while Barnes comes to rob the apartment he hears Paul imploring Sally to run away with him. And one thing leads to another.

Three sideshow performers leave their lives of captivity and form a conspiracy known as "The Unholy Three" - a sideshow ventriloquist, midget, and strongman work together to commit a series of robberies.


A tour of the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studio in 1925 shows the people who make the movies there, and gives viewers a glimpse at how movies are made.


To relieve the burden placed on their mother, Alice Sturgis (Wanda Hawley) marries and has several children, while her independent sister, Jeanette (Mae Busch), goes to work as a stenographer. Eventually, she is forced to marry a persistent salesman to avoid a scandal. Becoming disillusioned with married life, Jeanette leaves the salesman, but after 3 years' separation she realizes her need for a family and returns to him.

Victor Stowell, son of the deemster of the Isle of Man, is engaged to Fenella Stanley. He becomes involved in an intrigue with local girl Bessie Collister, becomes the deemster on his father's death, and is forced to try Bessie for killing her illegitimate child.


Nellie Horton, when mistreated by her father, is taken in charge by Thomas Lipton. She grows up in poverty not knowing her true identity as the heiress to her mother's millions. Upon the death of her benefactor, she becomes a model in a fashionable shop. There she falls into the hands of her mother's unscrupulous nephew, who contrives to do away with her in order to obtain her fortune. ....

A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.


Glory Quayle and John Storm, sweethearts since childhood on the Isle of Man, go to London, Glory to become a nurse and John to enter a monastery. Instead, Glory becomes a theater star, and John renounces his vows because he cannot forget his love for her. Lord Robert Ure, who has already betrayed Glory's friend, Polly Love, incites the London populace against John....

Dann Mulvey (William Scott), just released from prison, is falsely accused of murder. The real culprit is the least-suspected person, who makes a deathbed confession.

“Count” Karamzin, a Don Juan, lives off the money he scams from rich ladies who are attracted by his charms and his title. Having set up shop in Monte Carlo, he and his partners in crime pick their next target: the wife of an American diplomat.


A drifter falls for the daughter of a rancher, an alcoholic old coot whose ranch is on some very valuable land. When the old man is found murdered, the drifter is accused of the crime. He didn't do it, but he has to find who the real killer is and clear his name.

After five years of marriage, Mildred comes to the realization that her husband, Lew, is going nowhere in the real estate business. Mildred, however, has managed to squirrel away two thousand dollars from the household budget -- enough to buy a home. But it turns out that Lew needs just that sum to avoid a financial disaster

The Love Charm is a 1921 comedy film

The wife of an American playwright in Paris becomes ensnared in the seductive wiles of an American Army officer, but her devotion to her husband convinces the officer to try to extricate her from the gossip and scandal that have ensued.


Jailed unjustly for a murder he did not commit, a young man uses his amazing powers of escape to free himself and pursue the actual killers, who hold his fiancée captive.


A mild-mannered man's problems with his domineering wife and mother-in-law lead to complications with the law.


Sam Bernard in the kitchen cooking up something for his loved one.

A Keystone slapstick comedy Harry McCoy & Mae Busch.


Harry MacCoy's get-up looks a lot like Chaplin's, with his bowler, black cutaway coat and baggy pants, and Mae Busch's outfit certainly suggests Mabel's usual urban outfits -- although hers was fairly standard at the time.


Mae Busch and Charley Chase are in love. However, her father does not approve. A Baron sees Mae and concocts a fake kidnapping in order to get her attention. In other words, he pays two guys to pretend to try to abduct her and the Baron waltzes in like a hero and saves her. Well, the scheme seems to work as her family think the Baron is great and invite him to the house. But Charley and the two accomplices have other ideas...


Two clownish stagehands make life difficult for the manager and cast of a dramatic production.


Largely a typical Keystone flirting-in-the-park one-reeler, this one is differentiated slightly by dressing the players in early nineteenth century garb and having them adopt antiquated manners.

Two couples are at the seaside. A young man proposes to his gal. She accepts, and promptly tells him to re-tie his tie. He objects, so she returns the ring and walks away. An older couple has their own squabble: the middle-aged husband, who thinks himself a dandy, is happy to see his complaining wife roll away in a small, unattended carriage. He immediately approaches the younger woman. To make her ex-fiancé jealous, she takes up with the dandy and off they go to swim. What of the wife and the jilted beau? Can things be set right?


Arling, ringmaster of a small wagon circus, abuses Polly and her seven children. Foy, a farmhand, sympathizes with her and she decides to quit her place as trapeze woman in the show and get other work. She sends her brood to the poorhouse, and Foy, ignorant of her flock, makes love to her and is accepted.

The plot is driven by the confusion that results when two pairs of trousers are mixed up. One pair is owned by the landlord of an apartment building and the other by one of his lodgers. The lodger also has a wallet that contains rent money except when it doesn't, and the wallet passes from one pair of trousers to the other at unexpected moments. But neither the landlord nor the owner of the wallet are the central figures here, for The Rent Jumpers is primarily a love story between the landlord's daughter, played by the ever popular Mae Busch, and the lodger's roommate, young Charley Chase.


When a woman's husband leaves town, she begins to see odd things happening in her house. Afraid that gangsters are after her, she becomes increasingly anxious.


Dell takes girlfriend Mae out for a ride in his Chevy but has to contend with romantic rival Dell, another one of Mae's suitors.
