Magdaléna Borová

Thirty-something Jonas is not doing well at the moment. He has been taking antibiotics for a long time, so he is out of shape, and the trainer does not nominate him for the upcoming boxing match, he had a fight with a homosexual customer at work and is facing criminal charges because of that, and he also got a little involved with his colleague Silva, which logically does not please Jonas's friend Klařá. But Jonas hides the biggest problem by far from everyone. Although the suspicion of rectal cancer is fortunately not confirmed, the method of treatment of the damaged colon nevertheless shocks him - he has to regularly insert a dilator into his ass!

The film chronicles the events of a village on the Czech-Austrian border from the 1930s to 1950s, where genocide occurred due to fallout between German citizens and Czechs who collaborated with the Nazi regime during the war.

Olga is a complex young woman desperate to break free from her unfeeling family and social conventions. With her Louise Brooks-like tomboyish looks she drags herself, chain-smoking, from one job to another until she appears to find her niche as a truck driver. Although she has female lovers she does not form a bond with any of them; instead she clashes, time and again, venting herself in wordless emotional outbursts and other behavioural extremes.

