Maggie Wright

Two girls escape from an open borstal for two very different reasons; Annetta to attempt to visit her baby daughter, who is being raised in a convent; and Carol, who hopes to be recaptured and sent to a closed borstal where she knows her girlfriend Doreen is being held. Carol's plan works, although she is devastated to find that not only has Doreen found herself a new girlfriend inside (who both taunt and tease Carol), when Annetta is arrested at the convent and sent to the same closed borstal, she assumes it was Carol who "grassed" her up and proceeds to plan her revenge. Carol finds protection in the form of inmate Eddie, while Annetta's constant bullying attempts keep her in solitary confinement; however, Carol's world is turned upside-down when Eddie is released from borstal and her protection is gone... Written by Rhino


In this silly soft-core sex comedy, Tony Kenyon is Custer Firkeshaw, the owner of a girlie magazine. He stands to inherit a fortune… If he can get married and have a baby within a year. When he (and his relatives) find out from his doctor that he only has 13 more…uh, attempts-at-procreating left in him, the relatives set out to ensure that he uses them all up, so that they can inherit the property.


Either you've got it or you haven't - some like randy young Timothy Lea (Robin Askwith), manage to get it all the time! Signing up with a pop group, our boisterous hero progresses rapidly from local gigs to scoring a titillating hit with The Climax Sisters, with plenty of ribald adventures along the way!


British Sexploitation


Seven stories of marital infidelity, told from the women's point of view. A spicy satire of modern manners and mores. Newspaperwoman Sarah relates the separate stories of eight married couples. The husbands are satisfied with their lot, but the wives are not. Sarah describes a situation in which dissatisfied and bored middle-class housewives seek excitement and adventure outside their marital homes and beds.


While dabbling in Satanism, Count Karstein resurrects Mircalla Karnstein who initiates him into vampirism. As a rash of deaths afflicts the village, Gustav the head of Puritan group leads his men to seek out and destroy the pestilence. One of his twin nieces has become inflicted with the witchcraft but Gustav's zeal and venom has trapped the innocent Maria, threatening her with a tortuous execution, whilst Frieda remains free to continue her orgy of evil.


London nightclub buddies Salt and Pepper link Pepper's dead twin to diamond smugglers.


An American agent has tracked down the stronghold of an evil criminal mastermind, determined to take over the world (what, another one ?).


A typically Beatlesque film originally produced for television, this short film was intended to be an off-the-wall road movie with the Beatles and three dozen or so friends on a psychedelic bus.


Rasputin, a crazed and debauched monk wreaks havoc at the local inn one night, chopping off the hand of one of the drinkers. As the bitter locals plan their revenge, the evil Rasputin works his satanic power over the beautiful women who serve at the Tsar's palace. Even the Tsarina herself is seduced by his evil ways and, as his influence begins to dominate government policy, there is only one course of action left... to destroy him before he destroys them all.
