Mahée Paiement

During a rigorous winter, André, an awkward plump teenager in full identity crisis, becomes the sole protector of his 9-month-old sister when Nuns' Island is put into quarantine after a virulent virus transforms the population into carnivorous beings dispossessed of all humanity.

Francis is being interrogated about a series of crimes he might be guilty of.


Lorsque vous rencontrez Réjean, (Rémy Girard) il est impossible de séparer le monde réel de son imaginaire. Biographe de métier, son rôle est d’embellir la vie de ses clients. Très bientôt, Réjean sera confronté au même problème sur le site de rencontre Réseau Contact. Il doit faire parvenir une vidéo qui parle de lui, de sa vie. Bref, d’être vendeur. Hésitant, il commence à raconter sa vie à la caméra. Tant bien que mal, il essaye désespérément de reconstruire sa vie tel qu’il s’en souvient. Malheureusement, sa profession déteint sur sa propre histoire. Pris au jeu, il choisira la facilité en se cachant derrière sa technique, pour faire de sa vie une aventure rocambolesque digne d’un auteur à succès. Une histoire à la fois drôle et poignante remplie d’intrigues où le spectateur tentera de discerner le vrai du faux. Y’en aura pas de facile.


Amateur performers of all kinds are rated by studio judges on a talent scale. As the talent level varies, so do the rewards, and once their performance is over, the contestants must swallow their pride and accept the ranking they are given.

As their mother lies in a coma, two brothers discuss the advantages and disadvantages of adultery, under the nose of their virtuous elder, who tries in vain to discourage them.


Four years later, Stan invites his men closed in an outfitter retirement. Their goal: to face the team of the legends of the National League.


'Caméra Café' tells the daily life of employees at a Montreal branch of a large Toronto company through the camera hidden inside a coffee machine installed upon request of the big boss.


The world of a young housewife is turned upside down when she has an affair with a free-spirited blouse salesman.


A young girl is orphaned when her nurturing grandmother enters a nursing. She is sent to live with her Bach-obsessed uncle, an organist preparing for an important recital.
