Mahlon Hamilton

This MGM John Nesbitt's Passing Parade series short tells the story of how a Mauser pistol used on the battlefield by Germans during WWII makes its way into the hands of an American gangster.


Duke Fergus falls for Ann 'Flaxen' Tarry in the Barbary Coast in turn-of-the-century San Francisco. He loses money to crooked gambler Boss Tito Morell, goes home, learns to gamble, and returns. After he makes a fortune, he opens his own place with Flaxen as the entertainer; but the 1906 quake destroys his place.


Small-town soda-jerk Peggy Evans quits her dead-end job and moves to New York where she invents a new identity.


Chicago is gripped by an Axe Murderer. The streets are empty at night as there has been six murders and six people have been caught, but they are lunatics. Only one person has lived to tell about it, Edwina, who is as dumb as a brick. If it were not for Oliver, she would be number seven. When there is a second attempt on Edwina, Oliver figures that the crimes are not random and that someone is hypnotizing these people to do his bidding, but the police and Edwina are skeptical.


This MGM Crime Does Not Pay series short shows the role the crime laboratory plays in the solving of cases, and how even the smallest detail can become a major clue.


David and Lynn are a happily married couple. When David gets his dream job in another state, Lynn, a high-powered executive, doesn't want to leave NYC and her job


Robert Benchley offers a humorous lecture on how to avoid different types of strain during reading.


Marital comedy, from 1937, starring Robert Young and Ann Sothern


An alcoholic woman was charged and tried for murder and a young defense attorney, unaware that she is his mother, takes the assignment to defend her in court.


15-Chapter Serial about a scientist that discovers a formula for making synthetic gold and the people that want it.


A man impersonates his double to clear himself of a murder conviction.


In this MGM "Crime Does Not Pay" series short, a radio and television engineer falls into a life of crime by dismantling alarms for robberies.


In this drama, a teenage boy and girl, tired of parental repression, begin sneaking out on dates and to parties. The parents are strict, but pay little real attention to their kids, therefore the kids turn to their high school biology teacher who is willing to really listen to their confidences.


Bodies start mysteriously disappearing from the city morgue. An investigator tries to determine what is going on.


Cardsharp Jack Cardigan decides to go straight when he meets Doris Bradfield, but is forced to use his talents on behalf of her dad, whose land-grant title has fallen into the hands of Jed Harden through the gambling weakness of Bradfield's son Tom.

Nightclub hostess Sophie Leonard educates her daughter Beth abroad and keeps her life secret for her. But suddenly the daughter shows up.


A bored socialite finds fleeting romance with an artist.


A man who has been jilted by the woman he loves sets out to recover her stolen jewels in order that she can be happy with her new husband.

The Library of Congress holds a copy.

Robert Marshall’s dying utterance seems to point to Colman Colby (Robert Frazer) as his killer. Colby is arrested and at trial all testimony points to his guilt. But as the jury deliberates, the unfairly named “other woman” (Helen Lee Worthing) sets out to prove his innocence.


Frank Leon Smith's well-written story told of Carter's Creek, a bustling mining camp, and of how Beth Cameron (Rich) seeks to avenge the murder of her father (Frederick Vroom) by donning men's clothing and raiding the vicinity.


A young troublemaker sets her eyes on a confirmed bachelor. The George Eastman Museum has a complete copy.

Glory Quayle and John Storm, sweethearts since childhood on the Isle of Man, go to London, Glory to become a nurse and John to enter a monastery. Instead, Glory becomes a theater star, and John renounces his vows because he cannot forget his love for her. Lord Robert Ure, who has already betrayed Glory's friend, Polly Love, incites the London populace against John....

An Irish girl comes to America disguised as a boy to claim a fortune left to her brother who has died.


Follows three generations of the Mayne family through the year 1921-22. The 81-year-old patriarch reminisces about his rough beginnings in post-Civil War railroading, son Rufus rides rough waters as a wealthy financier, and his wife and three daughters muddle through their New York high society life.

A respectable businessman leaves his wife and daughter for the clutches of a cold, heartbreaking female.


PEG O MY HEART (Metro Studios, 1922), directed by King Vidor, under the supervision of J. Hartley Manners, introduces the legendary theatrical actress Laurette Taylor (1884-1946) to the screen reprising the role she made famous as a poor Irish farm girl who inherits a fortune but would rather have happiness instead. While a bit too old for the character supposedly in her late teens or early twenties, Laurette was tailor made for it.


Wealthy orphan Carol Gordon marries the executor of her estate, though she does not love him. Soon afterward, trying to help a friend who is being blackmailed, she is misunderstood by her husband to be herself compromised.

Genelle and Gaspard operate an itinerant Parisian theatre in which the greatest profits are realized by picking the pockets of the audience and robbing their homes while they are watching the show. When the First World War breaks out, Genelle volunteers as a Red Cross nurse and renounces her criminal ways. She travels to America, but re-encounters Gaspard, who is determined to use her new contacts in the upper class to continue their larcenous partnership.

The wife of a prominent lawyer is framed for murder.

As summarized in a film publication, Montana Rivers (Sweet) finally escapes her father who had forced her to wear men's clothing and help in robbing and cheating. She is taken in by friendly Indians and stays at their camp. Later, Akkomi (Edler), chief of the tribe, asks his friend Dan Overton to take the girl as it is not good for her to remain in the camp. Dan provides for "Tana" and falls in love with her but, because of her past, she keeps him at a distance. Jim Harris comes by and recognizes Tana as the boy robber, but when he attempts to blacken her past, Dan gives him a beating which paralyzes him. Jim then stays on with Dan, who regrets his hastiness. Eventually Tana's father appears and demands that Tana go away with him. She refuses but also does not tell Dan of this trouble.


A societal romance drama based on an Alice Duer Miller novel.


Grace Merrill works as a shill in a gambling hall. Her five roommates are even less honestly employed. One of them, Elsie Brown commits suicide because her main squeeze, Frank Norwood has left her. Elsie's small town mother comes to the city and meets Elsie's roommates. But Mother Brown's faith and purity are so compelling that the ladies of the night reform. Grace, in fact, gives up her affair with a married man -- even though she really loves him -- to go live with Mrs. Brown in the country.

Plot: The wife of a tyranicanical Boer husband discovers what life could be like when a handsome Englishmen visits their home.


The Deadlier Sex features Blanche Sweet playing the daughter of a railroad magnate (Winter Hall) who has to take charge when her father unexpectedly dies. She uses her outdoor survival skills to kidnap a business rival to save the company from a stock market struggle.


When Jim Rittenshaw learns that his friend Richard Desborough is having an affair with Jim's wife Daisy, Jim kills Richard. The murdered man's ghost then takes up residence and attempts to positively influence the lives of those he had wronged.

Wealthy Jervis Pendleton acts as benefactor for orphan Judy Abbott, anonymously sponsoring her in her boarding school. But as she grows up, he finds himself falling in love with her, and she with him, though she does not know that the man she has fallen for is her benefactor.


A young girl living a secluded and unsophisticated life is suddenly thrust into a great wealth and a frightening social whirl.

Helen Rowland is indifferent towards her wealthy husband Henry and spends most of her time at social events. Henry agrees to give financial assistance to young clergyman John Sterling if Helen can become interested in Sterling's work in the slums.

Adele Bleneau is a young nurse who assists her father, a renowned surgeon/. While in Washington, DC, she meets and falls in love with a British army officer, Capt. Fraser. While traveling by ship to France with her father, she meets Count von Schulling, a German diplomat who is an acquaintance of her father. Von Schulling falls for the pretty young Adele. While in France, Adele organizes a rescue party to save Capt. Fraser, who has been on a secret mission behind enemy lines and has been wounded. In a twist of fate, Adele finds the wounded Fraser and takes him to a hospital, but Count von Schuling, who has also been wounded, is placed in the same room as Fraser. When the hospital is overrun by German forces, Adele is placed in a delicate position by von Sculling: either spy for the Germans or Fraser will be shot. - Written by [email protected], from

Illiterate Blue Ridge Mountain girl Madge Brierly falls in love with vacationing Blue Grass aristocrat Frank Layson, when he stops Horace Holten from defrauding her of her coal-rich lands. For revenge, Holten tells moonshiner Joe Lorey, who loves Madge, that Frank is a revenue officer. After Madge rescues Frank from Joe's attack, they go to Frank's home, where he teaches her reading and writing, and she rescues his racehorse, Queen Bess, from a fire set by Holten. Because Frank has nearly all of his family's money riding on the big Kentucky race, Holten gets Frank's jockey drunk. Madge, discovering this, disguises herself and rides Queen Bess to victory. She leaves for home unnoticed, and comes across the Night Riders chasing Lorey. After she persuades them that Holten killed her father years earlier, and was responsible for Lorey's attack, they chase Holten who falls from a mountain and dies. Years later, Madge's and Frank's children play at feuding.

Scott Seagrave and his sister Geraldine are left the family estate when their wealthy alcoholic father dies. Unfortunately, they've also inherited his problems with alcohol, so they stay at the estate in seclusion. When Geraldine reaches "coming-out" age, Scott throws her a coming-out party. However, one of the men after her hand in marriage, Jack Dysart, tricks her into taking a drink, and she winds up embarrassing and humiliating herself in front of an old family friend, Duane Mallett, whose daughter Sylvia is in love with Jack, even though he's treated her shabbily.

Arnold Maitland is devastated when he finds out that his wife Cynthia is having an affair with a man named Boresky. He falls in love with Flora Farnsworth, a cabaret dancer, and sets out to divorce his wife and marry Flora. Unfortunately, Arnold is killed in an accident, and Flora turns for comfort to his business partner Philip Standish, and soon falls for him. Enter Cynthia, who has tired of Boresky and wants Philip for herself. She hatches a plan that will get rid of both Flora and Boresky and leave Philip for her.

In order to save her mother from disgrace, Margaret marries Richard Harding even though she really loves Geoffrey Morton.

Vincento Perez, the governor of the Portuguese colony of Exile, is an unscrupulous and brutal man who is hated by the natives. Furthering his schemes, Perez tries to force silk dealers out of business, and reveals his plans to government engineer Richmond Harvey in a letter appealing for the American's help.

Sonia Smirnov, a Paris opera singer known as "The Black Butterfly", starts an affair with young Alan Hall. Hall, however, is still pining over his previous lover, a young peasant girl.

Actress Jane Carleson has three admirers: Henry Strong (a millionaire), Hamilton Ross (a chemist), and Murray Campbell (a district attorney). When Jane weds Campbell, Ross writes an anonymous letter to Campbell, warning him that Strong is after his wife.