Maiko Kazama

Shion, ruthless assassin for the Magnificat crime syndicate, is as beautiful as she is deadly. But when her latest target turns out to be the man she loves, Shion is torn between duty and her heart. Her reluctance marks her for death by Magnificat, and her decision forces her into a life on the run, with her fellow assassins always a step behind.


A doctor develops a new scientific breakthrough in female psychotherapy with the discovery of the “Dream Ring,” a device that is inserted into a woman to record her thoughts and dreams. But, one dark and stormy night, the doctor and his assistant end up dead… hanging by ropes from the rafters of their lab. The lovely Reiko suffers from a condition known as “genophobia” (the fear of sexual intercourse), so she is admitted to the Tachibana Clinic for observation. Another group of doctors have the “Dream Ring” device and use it on Reiko to analyze her wildly erotic, and violent, dreams and nightmares. The clinic doctors have more sinister reasons to test this device on Reiko, however, and secretly put her under hypnosis so that the ring is activated at any time she hears the sound of a bell. Can she escape the evil doctors’ experiment and, even if she does, who is that strange person, dressed all in black, following her around?


An ardent culture-vulture youth, previously charged for the murder of a woman when he was young, plans to hold hostage a local bank.


First mainstream film directed by Genji Nakamura, based on Yasutaka Tsutsui's 1974 short story of the same title.


Naoko is getting a lot of obscene phone calls, so she decides to stay at her girlfriend Mari's home for awhile, afraid of a rape attack. But the telephone calls don't stop, and the mysterious pervert caller is bothering her there too. Naoko reluctantly agrees to meet meet him at a local restaurant, hoping the man will stop. When she arrives, Naoko is surprised to find the café is operated by Harada, a man whom she and Mari had liked so much in the past that, in fact, they had cat fights over him at their working places. It was due to a love triangle scuffle that they had been both fired from their previous jobs.

Toriko is a sexually frustrated wife who gets involved in swapping games with her neighbors.

A housewife, tired of her husband’s infidelity, embarks on sexual adventures of her own, leading to a climactic masked orgy.


Pinku from 1981, distributed by Nikkatsu

Nikkatsu Roman Porno

As rumors spread about a hidden treasure worth 300 billion yen buried somewhere underneath a mountain hot spring resort large numbers of people flock to the local inn hotel managed by a madam with 2 things on their mind.....treasure hunting in the daytime and sex hunting in the night time. The geishas at the inn have their hands full as the inn is fully booked. The rumors even attract a shrewd rich tycoon named Yagisawa to the inn. Yagisawa immediately makes an offer to buy the inn at 80 million yen which is considered too low by the madam. However when "news" that some gold pieces have been unearthed Yagisawa agrees to buy the inn at madams asking price of 100 million yen. Is this a con job or are the buried treasures real?


Nikkatsu Roman Porno

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu.

Roman Porno from 1980.

Yumi, the wife of elite employee Keiji Suzuki, lives in a nice house and enjoys an affluent life. Yumi's peaceful life is suddenly interrupted by an intruder.

Pinku from 1980, distributed by Nikkatsu