Mami Nomura

Matsuba Group was dominant in Gumma but an emerging group begins to mess around their territory. Designated as the leader of a branch, Makino swipes the rival group... but can he take on a horde of rival assassins?

Terrible ! Bloody conflict , outbreak !! The overwhelmingly popular graphic novel serialized in Manga Goraku is finally made into a moviel Draw the hard life of men running through the times , including Show Alkawa !!! First film of the live action series.

Based on Edogawa Ranpo Award winner "Hanazono no Meikyu" by Yoko Yamazaki. A serial killing occurs at a port town brothel.


A new shogun is appointed to the throne when his brother dies. He find out that the former Shogun one of the women from his brothers harem became pregnant, but she escaped. The new Shogun would loose the throne if the child is a boy. Genshiro is doctor who, among other things, performs abortions, and is sheltering his love, another women who escaped from the harem. The new Shogun threatens to arrest the girl unless Genshiro hunts down the woman and aborts her child. Genshiro learns that the woman releases a "musky scent from her special area" when in ecstasy. Both Genshiro and his friend set out to find all the women of the former harem and have sex with them, by force if necessary.
