Tsui Man-Wah

The King of the Snake Monsters is attempting to revert back to human form but is opposed by the womanizing owner of a popular restaurant that specializes in medicinal snake soup.

The carefree days of a happy lesbian Hong Kong couple are over when they are attacked by three drug dealers while enjoying a swim; the girls are raped and one of them is killed. Three years later, the surviving girl, now a boutique owner, accidentally runs across one of those men, and decides this is the perfect opportunity to take her revenge.


Some female ghosts seduce and kill trespassers on their mountain.

Once a wealthy gentleman, Wai was flocked by many single and available women. Now penniless, his "romantic" touch has suddenly disappeared. Follow the adventures of Wai and his renewed quest for wealth, romance, and love.


Two Taoist priests are fighting against four beautiful snake elves (fairies)


The misadventures of a family of sex maniacs.


A rich widow is blackmailed for $10 million when her husband and his lover is found dead. The police are baffled as this complicated raping case unfolds...


Jade seems happily married but he starts having nightmares about hopping corpses, followed by psychotic episodes, which cause him to kill his wife and then any romantic interests that follow. He's then hounded by the ghosts of his victims.


Pong not only has lots of past and present girlfriends, but lots of triad type buddies that are up to no good.

A gigolo makes the mistake of getting involved with the local triad leader's girlfriend. She makes the mistake of falling in love.


"Journalist Story" is a love ethics film directed by Zhang Renjie and starring Lin Weicao and Xu Manhua. It was released in 1993. The film tells the emotional story of police officer Lin Benlong and female news reporter Bau Baxing.


Secret Admirer is a film produced in Hong Kong, China in 1993. It was directed by Yang Quan , written by Liang Zhiming , Xu Manhua , Wu Yurong, Mai Lilin, District Ling , Chen Jiabi , Pan Zhenzhong and Gao Fei . The film focuses on the story of two computer companies competing for a game software creator.


In medieval China, three sexy serpentesses need the essence of virgin males to defeat the evil Yinsan Monster, so they go on a quest which leads them to an inn occupied by an impotent landlord and a western Christian missionary with revitalising properties.


Lam Ching Ying is a Taoist wizard who goes to Thailand to help defeat a pair of black magic criminals (Billy Chow and Tsui Man Wah) using huge Taoist charms and good, old-fashioned blood of a black dog. Afterwards, "a fiendish wizard steals the bodies of the two criminals. He anoints them with the sperm of 99 satyrs and the blood collected from the menstrual flow of 99 bitches. The result is the merging of the two bodies into one ultra-powerful, bisexual creature known as the Terrific Vampire. This lustful monster gains knowledge and strength by killing and devouring the brains of victims (the first casualties are the wizard and his assistants).


A tour of the streets of Hong Kong reveals many devotees of a form of Asian mysticism.


Lin and Li are two ad-men short of inspiration for a commercial about high heels. Li’s girlfriend Nancy tries to inspire him by striptease, but Li secretly lusts after his luscious boss Manager Tong. Lin spots a girl who he thinks ideal for the ad, and befriends her after retrieving her stolen purse from a thief. Her name is Wan Yo Ha, and she takes an immediate and full-on liking for Lin. But she secretly works for Tsao, who runs a rival ad agency. In between numerous sex scenes, Li and Lin work on the commerical, with five lovely young models.

Master Lam and his two disciples must battle a horde of Chinese vampires in order to get the teeth dust needed to cure an ailing general. Meanwhile, the general's wife is pregnant, and the evil spirit of an aborted baby wants to possess the unborn child's body for its resurrection.


Two woman and a man set up a detective agency. What passes for a story follows two of their cases. The first involves a glamorous woman who has found a key in her husband's wallet, and wants it investigated. It turns out to be a trap to blackmail rich men. The other involves a woman who believes her property is haunted and her husband possessed, and involves a cult where a bald man says incantations over nude women.