Manuel Arbó

The girlfriend of a young gypsy tries to guide her life in a proper way but does not achieve it. When she gets difficulties because of a fight everything changes.


Agustin, a widower who lives in a village in Aragon, where he is much loved by all neighbors, is lonely and decides to go to the big city, where his son, a famous doctor, lives with his wife and daughter. Agustineis received by his children with great coolness, as he does not fit in the environment in which they operate. The life of his son, his daughter-in-law, and even the maid is too sad for this simple town man.


Maria del Pilar is in love with Sebastian, a servant of his house. But her father wants her to marry Marcos a rich landowner. The girl refuses Marcos and he decides to take revenge.


After Pompey's defeat at the Battle of Farsalia, Julius Caesar becomes the beacon of the Roman Republic and the master of its destiny; but many patricians want to avoid the birth of a tyranny and plot to assassinate him…

The life of the family inordinate surveyor Carlos Alonso has undergone several changes over the course of the years: the birth of child number 16, little Maria, coincided with the death of the mother, who left behind a hollow refillable. The grandfather also died. The Godfather pastry married, and the boys have been growing rapidly ...


A marriage (Jose Luis Lopez Vazquez and Morales Gracita) decides to travel to Germany in search of work, in a desperate attempt to reconcile their marriage, as their busy life in Madrid not only be allowed. The only work they can find, however, is raised in a castle inhabited by a strange Baron (Fernando Fernan-Gomez) is actually a vampire.


Mari Pepa, a beautiful laundress of Madrid, and Felipe, a carpenter, are in love but they are always quarreling over trifles. However, she must marry with the fence Don Leo to help his father, a drunk player who has committed a robbery and has determined the family jewels.


Spain's submission for the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film in 1960


Muscleman fights sea monsters and Amazon warriors, then returns home to find a race of giants living in a valley, into which fellow countrymen are being thrown as punishment for opposing a usurper king and his consort.


Brother Pío, intending to collect charity for a group of nuns who run an orphanage, travels to Madrid with a statue of the Baby Jesus. On the train ride there, he meets Lucio, a slick-talking small-time thief, who steals the statue from him in order to collect the donations for himself.


Biopic about Miguel Báez "El Litri", a descendant of two generations of bullfighters: his older brother touched the glory before he died at twenty years after being gored and complicated by gangrene. His father begged everyone until the last minute that they keep him away from the arena, but "El Litri" knew since childhood that his destiny was to succeed in the world of the bulls


Some bizarre figures (bullfighters and future fighters, athletes and boxers) get together in a park from Madrid to improve and rehearse their techniques.


María de la O leaves her family and her former boyfriend Miguel to go with a rich landowner who's supposedly in love with her...


Mercedes Pavón, a famous singer of cuplés is harassed by three men totaly different.


Cimera de los Infantes, Castile, Spain. The young men who meet every day in the bar La Rana Verde are bored because they barely have fun, so they decide to seduce the girls who attend a summer course in the historic castle of the town.


Laura Gayán, a young singing student, is secretly in love with Carlos, Count of San Telmo, and she lives in his palace because his father is the porter. Stephen, a fellow student, drinker and womanizer, attempts to seduce her, taking advantage of the girls' sentimental bad situation due to the recent news of the wedding of his beloved. Eventually, Laura gets a contract to make "small forms" and, against her heart, she married Stephen. Meanwhile, dissolves the marriage of Charles ...


The finding of a wallet with a lot of money is the common theme of four stories, featuring a shoeshine from Seville, a clerk from Salamanca, a bullfighter from Cuenca and a newspapers seller from Paris .


During the third Carlist war on Basque soil, Zalacaín, no frowns that his great enemy of the people pretend to love his sister, but he lives the reverse situation, in love with his sister.


A couple having an affair strike a bicyclist with their car and do not offer aid out of fear of their relationship being exposed.


A serene mind a person is in a coffee some of their experiences: the story of a poet who gives shelter, a nun who takes off to find a drug habits in the black market, and his own witness of a robbery and as a lover.


It is the story of two brothers who have rented a boat to survive. Juan Ramón sings like an angel and an entrepreneur decides to take him to Madrid to succeed.


Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover


Juan and Carmen are a humble couple living in Madrid. She does the housework and he works as an electrician in a film studio. Their dreams of wellness come true when they win a contest sponsored by a soap brand…


Crown of Castile, 1520. The Comuneros rise up against Charles I, king of Castile and Aragon and emperor of the Hispanic Monarchy. While Juan de Padilla, leader of the uprising, and his captains, Juan Bravo and Francisco Maldonado, fight against the imperial armies, his wife, María de Pacheco, rules the city of Toledo, capital of the rebels.


A young musician and dreamy, called "Ernesto", is forced to live in Madrid to die his father, in the house of executor of the testament, "don Julio Villamil", who is married to actress Teresa Labisbal, of which "Ernesto Acedo" was enamored platonic. Although the conduct of the young is flawless, a third person causes slander which oblige "don Julio" to fight in mourning to death.


A woman who works as employee in a fashion store has to care for her ill mother. At the same time she falls in love with a bohemian man.


A woman suffers from amnesia after killing her husband, who was just about to demand a divorce for having found her engaging in an affair with a lover, who is only interested in her to find where some precious jewels are hidden.


Barcelona, 1860. Mr. Esteve, owner of a prosperous haberdashery and proud of his son Ramón, attends the christening of his grandson. Twenty years later, Ramón passes away and Mr. Esteve realizes that times have changed and that the family tradition of the haberdashery is at stake.


Fernando has just finished the military service. It decides to buy Bucéfalo, the horse that has been his partner for this time and returns to Madrid removing with it to the animal. But everything has changed, the city already neither is the same and even he nor finds stables nor has time to attend to it. This way the things remedy will not have any more that to look for any solution.


Mariquilla is a beautiful gypsy who is in love with Lucas, a soldier of the garrison in the Alhambra, but her father wants to marry her with Don Cosme, a rich old clerk for the service of the mayor. Soon, the girl asks for help to the governor of Granada, a gentleman who has always had a great adoration for the girl.


Miguel Velasco, the son of a wealthy Spanish immigrant established in Mexico, comes to Spain in the late nineteenth century. In Madrid, he falls in love with Celia, a chorus girl at the Apollo theater. This makes her father withdraw financial support, so Celia decides to run away to avoid harm. Nevertheless, the couple gets married and is happy. And Celia triumphs at the Apollo. Over the years, the theater is demolished to build a bank. The old Miguel feels that with its disappearance much of his life goes as well.


In Madrid, under Queen Isabel II reign, rebellions are frequent events. During one of them Captain Jorge de Córdoba, nicknamed Veneno (poison) for his quarrelsome disposition, bad temper and outright misogyny, is hurt and taken to a house where two women, a widow and her daughter, are to take care of him.


A good-for-nothing young man and his friend are involved in a woman's death. To escape Police and wanting a change he goes to the small country village he used to visit with his family. Yet his past will find him there.


Biographic film about José de Salamanca


Father Luis Lastra is a young priest who does his job in the village of Peñascosa. There he meets Marta, a beautiful parishioner very interested in religious matters, so much that she convinces the priest to accompany her to the convent to become a cloistered nun. Along the way, they have to stop at an inn for the night and that's where Father Luis will test his faith.


An unfortunate accident changes forever the fate of two men who look alike: one of them is desperately poor; the other one is extremely wealthy.


Madrid, Carnival Sunday. A night watchman finds the body of a woman, a rich and greedy moneylender who has apparently been murdered. The prime suspect is a watchmaker who owed her a lot of money.


The Philippines, 1898, during the Spanish-American War. Fifty Spanish soldiers guarding the outpost established in the small village of Baler endure the cruel siege of the Filipino rebels for eleven months, although the war is almost lost…


Mérida Nueva, Spain, late 19th century. Judge Javier Zarco finds in a cemetery a skull pierced by a nail and suspects that a murder has been committed. When he investigates the case in depth, his suspicions fall on the woman who was going to marry the deceased.


In-laws and relatives begin to settle in the house of two newlyweds. Even though their intention is to contribute to marital peace, they actually complicate their lives.


To save a travel agency in an endangered situation one of the employees has a brilliant idea, announcing a special travel with no defined destiny.


In North Africa, in a detachment of the Spanish Legion, el Grajo, a brave veteran, and Mauro, who has just enlisted, become close friends. When an unfortunate circumstance results in the death of a man, suspicions fall on one of them.


The troubled story of the Churruca family, a noble lineage of brave seamen, descendants of Cosme Damián Churruca, the Spanish hero of the Battle of Trafalgar; from the Spanish-American War (1898) to the end of the Spanish Civil War (1936-39). (In 1950, a new cut of the film was released with less ideological depth and ten minutes shorter.)


Anselmo is a teacher who, for his love to hypnotize people is fired from his job. When going through these bad times, he receives an inheritance from America and travels there to collect it. Although not much money, at least in America he gets an employment as hypnotist and ends having a great success. As a millionaire, he returns to his village to get married but things have changed.


While half of Spain begins to pay for the past crimes committed during the Republican delirium, young and not so young children of the wealthy classes to shape the new regime's military forces are preparing to begin their ascent in the social and economic environment. However, among them there are still genuine saviors of the homeland as the young protagonist of this story, the son of a good family, Catholic and Falangist, who, shocked by the tears and a the suicidal attemps of a girl he was in love with in the past and who was later raped by the republican troops, decides to marry her and give his noble surname to a child born of such outrage.


An English lady decides to buy a gypsy boy but she is deceived and receives a stolen child with dyed skin. The lady searches his real parents and they get their child back.

Before the divorce of his parents, a child is in no man's land, waiting for someone to love her.


Carmen and Ángel are in love but her mother doesn't approve their relationship. When Carmen gets pregned, Ángel decides to to go the city to star a career as a singer and earn enough money to take Carmen with him, but he never returns and Carmen, scared of her parents, decides to run from home and embrace a disolated life as a prostitute.


A chronicle about the misadventures of Don Quintin, a character with a miserable life and a lot of bad humor.


This is the Spanish-language version, with a different cast and crew, of the Charlie Chan film Charlie Chan Carries On, in which Charlie sets out to discover the killer of an American found dead in a London hotel room.


In the early days of sound, it was common for Hollywood studios to produce Hollywood foreign-language versions of their films (usually in French, Spanish and German) using the same sets, costumes and etc. Unfortunately, most of these foreign language versions no longer exist. The Spanish version of Dracula is an exception. In recent years this version has become more highly praised by some than the English language version. The Spanish crew had the advantage of watching the dailies from the English crew's version when they came in for the evening and they would figure out better camera angles and more effective use of lighting in an attempt to "top" it. As a result, this version's supporters consider it to be much more artistically effective.


Alternate-language version of East Is West (1930).

Feature film that tells the misadventures of Enrique Villar, the tramp who, through much hard work finally fights his way to win the hand of beautiful and rich heiress Irene Heredia.
