Manuel Vergara 'Manver'

Fidencio Borer, an apothecary in a village on the northern border of Mexico, discovers some old title of a mine in Arizona and decides to claim them. Trying to cross the border is a border guard intercepted by exaggerating in the line of duty. On the way is captured by a tribe of Apaches and is about to be burned alive, but thanks to the Great Head Horse Lying having toothache and learns that the prisoner it can heal, ordered his release on the condition that the cure. Fidencio would take the wheel and gets the eternal friendship of the Chief apache.


Five criminals are arrested after a bank-robbery. One escapes, and the police officer in charge of transporting them arrests a new person at random to cover up for his negligence.


Newlyweds find married life to be challenging.


Drifter returns to his home town for revenge, but he get caught up in the town's interpersonal dramas.


A deaf and mute vagabond finds a large denomination bill in a Mexico City dump, and while he tries to buy something with it, others try to con him into giving it away. The film was selected as the Mexican entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 36th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.


Neutron, a superhero/wrestler, goes up against a mad scientist and his army of monsters.


Teacher and his pupils in small-town Mexico.


Jungle adventure about the search for a lost treasure.

A professor and a vampire hunter join forces to destroy the murderous vampire Nostradamus and his minions.


Desperate for the illness of his son, the farmer steals a pearl Eufemio image of St. Lucia in the village church. Some tourists photographed the theft, and Euphemius is about to be lynched by their neighbors. Pearl disappeared swallowed by one of Chavela breeding pigs, the wife of Eufemio. Tomas's intervention saves Euphemius, but Pearl does not appear.


In order to stop a vampire from terrorizing the countryside, some locals decide to break into his coffin at night and steal his ashes. Complications ensue.


An obscure old dark house horror melodrama from Mexico. Based on the novel "El fistol del diablo" by Manuel Payno.

Vampire hunters track down a vampire and attempt to steal the ashes from his coffin in order to stop him from reviving nightly.


Paloma is bound and determined to kill the heck out of the guy that dishonored her sister, but mistaken identities and stuff.

Crooked promoter has a secret weapon who goes around beating fighters to death after their matches if they aren't in line with his rigging schedule. Part one of two.


In his eagerness, to be movie extras, Tin Tan and his carnal Marcelo police get into trouble, among other entanglements.


The Mexican Revolution serves as a backdrop to a torrid love triangle composed of three freedom fighters: a colonel, a widow, and a fiery female soldier.


Law officer goes undercover as member of gang of murderous highwaymen.

Professional gambler is getting old and jaded; his friends see him becoming a bad person and try to set him on a better path.

Good-hearted simpleton opens his home to a street urchin escaping from an Oliver Twist-style kid-gang of pickpockets beggars and paperboys.

Wealthy land-owner poses as a bandit, robbing only his own properties, to get the romantic attention of a woman who lives down the road.


The story of the doomed love between Soledad and Román. She is the daughter of a rich man that wants to marry her with Ernesto, nephew of his friend, the judge. Román owns a little ranch. A brawl in the town will unleash several deaths that will affect the already difficult relationship.


Heaven Can Wait scenario; a young woman dies forty years ahead of schedule because her guardian angel made a mistake... so the divine powers that be put her back on earth in a new body.


Zorro imitation, first in a series.


Masked hero on horseback. One in a series.


A couple of people cover up their own mishandling of other people's money by claiming to have been robbed by a masked bandit. When the law comes looking into the situation, it becomes necessary to find someone to impersonate that bandit. Remake of El Tigre De Jalisco (1947).


Maid tries to smooth over the difficulties in her employers' marriage while juggling five or six potential boyfriends of her own.


Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!


Doctor and his family move to Mexico City, everybody falls into corrupt Big City lifestyles. Or do they?


The title of this grim Emilio Fernandez-directed character study translates to The Net. On the lam from the police, Antonio (Crox Alvaredo) and Jose Luis (Armando Sylvestre) find refuge in a friendly seaside village. The two fugitives set up housekeeping with their mutual girlfriend Rossana (Rossana Podesta). This set-up can't possibly last, and it doesn't. When Rossana indicates that she prefers one of the men over the other, it's the beginning of the end for all three. Well-photographed on location, La Red was one of Mexico's entries at the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.


This musical comedy tells the story of two men whose friendship (whose beginning is told in "A toda máquina") is affected by assumptions love triangles and misunderstandings between the two, however, the value of that friendship overcomes all difficulties.


Civic-minded elementary-school teacher marries and sets up home with wife and her little brother. The-e-n...


A bungling wannabe-lawyer keeps interfering in his friend's lives; his desire to help always makes things worse.
