Marco Pico

Fanny has been a paraplegic since a paragliding accident ten years before. She wants to pursue her vocation as a math teacher and is given one month to prove herself.


This comedy brings Pierre Richard and Michel Piccoli together onscreen once again. In the story, former professor Henri Toussaint Piccoli has been locked away in a psychiatric ward for some years for trying to strangle his wife when he found her in bed with another man. Now she has a terminal illness, and wants some sort of reconciliation with him. His therapist (Richard) decides to permit him to visit with her, provided he comes along. Except for his wide mood swings and occasional outbursts of lewd muttering, the professor "passes" for sane fairly easily. Not so the psychotic (Dominique Pinon) who stows away in the psychiatrist's car, who constantly calls attention to the other two.


This is a remake of the 1982 film Savannah Smiles. Colin (Jacques Higelen) and Mailland (Daniel Martin) are small-time crooks on the run who are surprised to find the seven-year-old runaway Savannah (Elodie Gautier) is along for the ride. The police and her parents fear she has been kidnapped, and a massive manhunt is launched with orders to shoot to kill the alleged perpetrators. The lovable little girl soon melts the hearts of the crooks, as the trio enjoy an unlikely but sentimental friendship. The late Marcel Bozzuffi makes his last screen appearance as Coplan, the confident cop in charge of recovering Savannah. Rene Feret plays Savannah's father, a hypocritical politician.


In 1943, the young Jean rejects the Obligatory Work Service and returns to his native suburb. His house being occupied by the Germans, he decides to create an information network and begins to establish dangerous connections... A fair and discreet fresco of the turbulence that shook the intimate and collective life of the Occupation.

Camadule is in charge of buying several barrels of the Beaujolais Nouveau. The Captain and Kamel will travel with him to get the divine beverage.


Malisard is a reporter at "Soir de Paris", his colleague Prévot is a photographer. Together, they roam the streets of Paris.
