Marcos Pasquim

Rita must learn to deal with her increased shopping compulsion after the news that her daughter wants to leave.

The Sabino Machado family, their slaves and entourage spend years frozen in the ocean after a shipwreck in 1886. They wake up gradually, one by one, and must learn to deal with the technology and the human idiosyncrasies of the present times. Among cultural and temporal shocks, "the frozen ones" encounter improbable friendships, romances and greedy people, while fighting prejudices that not even time was able to eradicate.


Reality is much stranger than fiction. There is a scandal that could be revealed and the Portuguese Government is nervous. The Minister of Culture and her team have a crazy idea that, for that reason, can work: to produce, together with Brazil, the biggest and most spectacular telenovela of all time: "Corte Tropical".


Sparkling Girls tells the story of three young and lovely, hard-working housekeepers who rise to stardom overnight after an incidentally uploaded online video of their singing performance becomes an unexpected hit. Penha, Rosário, and Cida, all make an honest living cleaning, cooking, and picking up after their bosses. Besides an everlasting friendship, these three ordinary women also share the similar struggle of finding romantic love. The future music stars never imagined all the glitz and glamour that their lives would turn into.


An innovative telenovela set against the backdrop of the discovery of ancient fossils by a top paleontologist and the invention of futuristic robots by a brilliant scientist.


Bed and Breakfast is a romantic comedy about a saleswoman from a large department store in Rio who discovers she has inherited property in the wine country of California. She could never expect what she would find in "Webster", a small country town


After being left by her husband and fired from her work, a workaholic businesswoman is forced to go through a big change in her life and becomes a partner on a decadent sex shop.


Caras & Bocas is a Brazilian soap opera broadcast by the Globo network. It is the second-most watched soap opera in Brazil.


The series follows Barbara Palermo, a frustrated writer, and Pedro Guerra, a grumpy cop. Barbara and Peter met in high school when Barbara fell in love with him. She was an ugly, insecure girl who had always dreamed of being a great writer, while Pedro was a handsome guy, volleyball player, and flirtatious. After high school, each went their own way and they never met. Barbara eventually became a great writer, but under the pseudonym Paloma Paz, and sold hundreds of newsstand books. Pedro dreamed of joining the Brazilian volleyball team, but after an accident, his career went into decline, and he became a lonely and very closed man. The two meet again when an unexpected event involves both of them.


Pé na Jaca is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from November 20, 2006 and June 15, 2007. Featured Murilo Benício, Juliana Paes, Fernanda Lima, Marcos Pasquim, Betty Lago, Fúlvio Stefanini, Alexandre Schumacher, Carla Marins, Ricardo Tozzi, Fernanda de Freitas, Daniele Suzuki, Rodrigo Lombardi, Bruno Garcia, Flávia Alessandra and Deborah Secco in the lead roles.


Deep in the unknown Amazon rain forest, there is a lost subterranean city. The place was built by Vikings who crossed the Atlantic Ocean and ventured up the Amazon River, that shelters a mysterious treasure. In order to find the secret location, Bárbara (Xuxa Meneghel) and the children Riacho and Manhã will have to face many challenges. Vicious snakes and dangerous pendulum blades are only the beginning of our heroes' adventures in "Xuxa and The Treasure from the Lost City".


Kubanacan is a 2003 Brazilian telenovela.


Malhação is a Brazilian television series for the teenage audience. The soap started in 1995, and was set in a fictional Gym Club called Malhação on Barra da Tijuca, Rio de Janeiro. Through the years the location varied slightly. Although the name of the soap remains the same, it is now set in the Múltipla Escolha High School.


O Quinto dos Infernos was a 2002 mini Brazilian historical comedy television series. It was written by Carlos Lombardi, and directed by Wolf Maya and 48 episodes were produced. The protagonist was Marcos Pasquim.
