Marcos Paulo

An adaptation of the eponymous song by Renato Russo, a famous Brazilian singer and composer who in the style of Bob Dylan knew how to delight crowds by telling stories and singing with his lyrics. Focusing on the love story of outlaw João do Santo Cristo with Architecture major student Maria Lúcia, the movie takes place in Brasilia in the early 80s. In a clash of interest, drug dealers and the police conflict with one another,while the end of the military dictatorship in the Capital of Brazil, Brasilia takes place. The wanderings and tedium of a young rocker, who lived in a city still being built, are the backdrop for this story.


"The Baron" wanted to commit the perfect heist involving 3 tons of money and no violence. For this he would need the right people willing to get 1 million dollars to take part in this job. Based on true events, in 2005, 168,000,000 Brazilian Real (almost 80,000,000 US dollars) were stolen from a Brazilian Central Bank (Federal Reserve), making it the biggest peace-time robbery in history. It was perhaps the most audacious bank heist ever.


Early 1970s. Latin America was under a military dictatorship. Some political groups opted for armed struggle to confront the regime. Boni, an engineering student of humble background adheres to the armed struggle, but carries doubts and fears as to whether this would really be the best way, as he fears for his family, his girlfriend and the future, which seems more uncertain every day. Like so many, he is arrested, tortured and banished from the country. In exile in Chile, together with his partner Cecilia, he comes to understand society in a different way. He begins to work and live with the Chilean people, realizing that to change reality it is first necessary to understand it.


Claudio and Helena are on the verge of breaking up, until the couple experiences another strange phenomenon that looks to help them understand one another more.


Páginas da Vida is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from July 10, 2006 to March 2, 2007, totaling 203 chapters. The plot featured Regina Duarte as the protagonist, Lília Cabral as the antagonist, and Fernanda Vasconcellos, Thiago Rodrigues, Marcos Caruso, Ana Paula Arósio, José Mayer, Regiane Alves, Vivianne Pasmanter, Caco Ciocler, Marcos Paulo, Tarcísio Meira, Natália do Vale and Edson Celulari in the lead roles. The plot was nominated in 2007 for best actress International Emmy for the performance of Lília Cabral.


In 1752, a ship arrives in Brazil, bringing doctor and writer Gaspar de Fróes. He keeps a diary about the dangerous trip, the diseases and hunger aboard, his impressions of the new country, and the political struggle between the crowns of Castela and Portugal. In Brazil, he is going to fall in love with the wife of a Portuguese officer.


Começar de Novo is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Rede Globo and displayed in its traditional schedule of 19 hours between 30 August 2004 and April 16, 2005. Presented Natália do Vale, Marcos Paulo, Eva Wilma, Werner Schünemann, Carlos Vereza, Giselle Itié, Vladimir Brichta, Carolina Ferraz and Marília Pêra in the lead roles.


Apolônio Brasil was a cult pianist who used to play in nightclubs in Rio de Janeiro, in the 1950s and 1960s. Quite a character, Apolônio was loved by women, idolized by his audience and friends, besides being extremely high-spirited and charming. For all that, his brain is removed after his death and becomes the center of a dispute among an American scientist, Dr. Bóris, who wants to study it, his friends and his son Paluca. The film is an attempt to pay homage to the nightlife in Rio de Janeiro of the 50s, and to the "chanchada" a genre of musical-comedy typically Brazilian. - Written by [email protected]


The struggling Lívia despairs when she learns that her husband, before dying, lost a fortune in shady deals. Widowed and with three children, she is forced to fight for her family and leaves for the paradisiacal beach town of Maramores, where her mother Zoroastra lives. Parallel to the difficulties, Lívia discovers that she is involved in the eternal struggle of Good against Evil. In fact, Lívia is the reincarnation of Princess Cecília, the eternal passion of the vampire Bóris Vladescu, who has been pursuing her for centuries. The two met in 7th century Europe, when Bóris disputed the princess's love with Count Rogério. Nowadays, Rogério was Beto, Lívia's husband, and the two times he faced Boris, his arch-enemy, he took the worst. Boris is in Maramores to get Cecilia, his immortal beloved. Or rather, Livia, who raises the boy Zeca, who she doesn't even suspect is actually a half-vampire, son of Boris. The vampire is willing to prepare his son to take his place, but Zeca is reluctant to accept his condition, much to his father's despair. With Bóris comes a legion of vampires willing to terrorize the residents of the peaceful city. Among them, the splendid Mina, his wife, and the gallant Victor, who involves the sweet Ciça in a game of seduction. Vampires are closely watched by the flustered Galileo Van Burger, a vampire hunter who failed to prevent his wacky son Bartô from being bitten. Who also keeps an eye on the vampires is the mystical Zoroastra, mother of Lívia, a modern witch, who owns the main inn in Maramores. And the mysterious Ezekiel, in reality an angel who came down to Earth to protect Lívia and Zeca from the evil that persecutes them. Engineer Rodrigo also arrives in the city, followed by his ex-girlfriend Lara. The two are the first victims of vampires. Lara is bitten by Victor and becomes an evil vampire, due to her bad temper. Rodrigo is bitten by Mina, who becomes pregnant and is expecting a daughter from him, which she says is from Boris. Meanwhile, Rodrigo is used by Boris to approach Lívia. Who does not like this involvement is Augusto, a friend of Lívia who has loved her in the past. Augusto is a widower who raises his small children with the help of sister-in-law Marta, a blind woman, but bitter and Machiavellian, who does everything to keep him from Lívia, because she loves him.


Porto dos Milagres is a Brazilian telenovela that was produced and aired by TV Globo from 5 February to 29 September 2001, totaling 203 chapters. It was written by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linhares and loosely based on two works written by Jorge Amado - The Dead Sea and the discovery of America by the Turks. Had Philip collaboration Miguez, Maria Elisa Berredo, Nadotti Nelson and Gloria Baker, directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Director general Mark and Robert Paul Naar, co-directed by Fabricio Mamberti and Luciano Sabino. Had the direction of core Marcos Paulo.


Força de um Desejo is a Brazilian telenovela produced by Globo TV and was shown in the schedule of 18 hours between May 10, 1999 and January 29, 2000, in 226 chapters. It was written by Gilberto Braga and as collaborators with Alcides Nogueira Marques, Lilian Garcia, Eliane Garcia, Philip Miguez and Mark Silver and directed by Mauro Mendonça Filho, Carlos Araújo, Fabricio Mamberti and João Camargo, with production of the core Marcos Paulo. Featured Malu Mader, Fábio Assunção, Cláudia Abreu, Marcelo Serrado, Selton Mello, Nathália Timberg, Lavínia Vlasak, Isabel Fillardis and Denise Del Vecchio in leading roles.


Meu Bem Querer is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Rede Globo. Written by Ricardo Linhares, with the collaboration of Leonor Bassères, Nelson Nadotti, Maria Elisa Berredo and Glória Barretoentre, monitoring text by Aguinaldo Silva, direction of Luís Henrique Rios, João Camargo and Alexandre Avancini, direction general of Roberto Naar and nucleus of Marcos Paulo and transmitted by August 24, 1998 and January 20, 1999, totaling 179 episodes.


A Indomada is a Brazilian telenovela produced and aired by Globo February 17 to October 11, 1997. Authored by Aguinaldo Silva and Ricardo Linares, with the collaboration of Maria Elisa Berredo, Mark Silver and Nadotti Nelson and directed by Marcos Paulo Roberto Naar and Luiz Henrique Reis, had the general direction and core Marcos Paulo. Featured actors Adriana Esteves, José Mayer, Eva Wilma and Ary Fontoura leading roles in the plot.


Inspired on Jorge Amado's romance "Tieta do Agreste", the plot is set on the fictional city of Santana do Agreste, at Brazil's northwest, and has as main theme Tieta's life turnarounds. Twenty-five years after being chased out of town by her father Zé Esteves (Sebastião Vasconcelos), she returns to her birth town seeking revenge against all that mistreated her and laugh at her in the past. Her boldness twists Santana do Agreste's routine.


Roque Santeiro is a Brazilian primetime telenovela produced and broadcast by Rede Globo. It premiered on 24 June 1985 and ended on 22 February 1986, replacing Corpo a Corpo and was replaced by Selva de Pedra. It was created by Dias Gomes —based on a play O Berço do Herói (Hero's Cradle)— and starred Regina Duarte, Lima Duarte, José Wilker, Lucinha Lins, Yoná Magalhães, Paulo Gracindo, Armando Bógus, Cássia Kis Magro, Elizângela, Fábio Júnior, Lídia Brondi, Cláudio Cavalcanti, Cláudia Raia, Lutero Luiz, Maurício Mattar, Eloísa Mafalda and Ary Fontoura. It was directed by Paul Ubiratan and has co-written by Aguinaldo Silva. Roque Santeiro became a great success, and is recognized today as one of the best telenovelas of all time. It was distributed to many countries around the world, and had an audience of 60 million viewers, remaining until today as the most-watched show in the history of Brazilian television.


Anxious to please his boss, Roberto agrees to host the chief's lover in his own home, unaware of the problems this could cause among his family.
