Marcus Hearn

The untold story of Hammer at Warner Bros, and the relationship that produced some of the British company's finest films.


documentary on the production of Hammer's The Stranglers of Bombay

A series of interviews between film historians Jonathan Rigby, Kevin Lyons and John J. Johnston as they discuss the troubled production of the film and how it relates to the end of Hammer’s horror run for some time.

Documentary of the film Yesterdays Enemy

A series of interviews between film historians Jonathan Rigby, Kevin Lyons, John J. Johnston and several others that tracks the events which led to the making of the film The Horror of Frankenstein and the state of the Hammer studio at the time.

A short documentary on the Hammer production of The Camp on Blood Island

The greatness, fall and renaissance of Hammer, the flagship company of British popular cinema, mainly from 1955 to 1968. Tortured women and sadistic monsters populated oppressive scenarios in provocative productions that shocked censorship and disgusted critics but fascinated the public; movies in which horror was shown in offensive colors; dreadful stories, told without prejudices, that offered fear, blood, sex and stunning performances.


David Prowse is an eighty years old actor, who has lived behind Darth Vader's mask during three decades. A group of Star Wars fans find out why he has been apparently forgotten by Lucasfilm during thirty years, and decide to give him back the glory he never had. This is their last opportunity.


Documentary about actor André Morell.

Down Place will forever be associated with the company that turned a quiet English countryside mansion into a film making powerhouse, responsible for countless stomach churning, skin crawling, jump out of your seat horror greats. Hammer re-christened Down Place as Bray Studios. The community that developed amongst the crew was unique, facilitated by the fact that at its height a film was completed every six weeks. Watch as many of the most prominent members of the crew recall their time at Bray in this remarkable five part series.

Looking for Peter was a documentary about Peter R. Newman, writer of The Sensorites, and was included on the 2012 DVD releases of that story.


Documentary that chronicles the making of the third film in Hammer's Dracula series.


Documentary on the making of the classic Hammer Horror picture.

Film historians and members of Hammer studios talk about the making of Dracula and it's influence on pop culture and modern vampire films.

Dennis Wheatley biographer Phil Baker provides a brief history of author nearly 80 book career, covers the whole of Wheatley’s contentious relationship with Hammer studios, including his displeasure with The Lost Continent (1968) and his utter loathing of To the Devil a Daughter (1976). The feature is a examination of one of horror fiction’s influential voices and paints a picture that informs both The Devil Rides Out and Hammer’s occult output in their latter years.

A 55-minute documentary, detailing the creation of Doctor Who, including a rare interview with creator Sydney Newman, and new interviews with producer Verity Lambert, directors Waris Hussein and Richard Martin, actors William Russell and Carole Ann Ford, title sequence designer Bernard Lodge, and TARDIS sound effect creator Brian Hodgson