Margherita Autuori

Alice, a young translator, finds the real world slowly merging with her recurring nightmares as she tries to solve the puzzle of her recent memory loss. A postcard leads her to the island of Garma where the locals seems to know her. Is she who she thinks she is? And what significance does her dream of an astronaut abandoned on the moon have?


Sylvia, an industrial scientist, is troubled by strange hallucinations related to the tragic suicide of her mother.


An unidentified fifteen year-old girl is found hanged after an anonymous tip-off. The girl, Silvia Polvesi, is soon discovered to have been murdered. A peeping tom is caught with photos of her having sex with a teenage drop-out but he is later released due to lack of evidence. The investigation, conducted by Inspector Silvestri and the assistant public prosecutor Vittoria Stori, focuses on the girl's parents. It transpires that a private detective, Ruggero Pollente, was hired by Silvia's mother because the latter was concerned about her activities. As a conspiracy begins to emerge, Pollente's body is found dismembered and his girlfriend is subsequently attacked by a machete-wielding killer clad in motorcycle gear...


Duke Philippe married Cristina, daughter of a fisherman. But his brothers, seeing that these after marriage they would miss out inheritance, decide to get rid of the woman by imprisoning her in a tower and making the duke believe she died.


Stefano Argenti, an ambitious advertising executive, meets a curious hippie named Count Mateo Tiepolo and they form a strange bond. Having gained Stefano's confidence, Tiepolo reveals that he wants to kill his domineering brother. He suggests that Stefano carry out the killing and in exchange he offers to murder Luisa, Stefano's wife who is a barrier to his career and his affair with Fabienne, a model. Argenti is more curious than shocked but decides to reject the bizarre offer. However, a short-time later, his wife is strangled to death by an intruder and he becomes the prime suspect. By withholding evidence that could prove his innocence. Mateo blackmails Stefano into keeping his part of the bargain. But there is a twist ...


Tracing the struggle of the Algerian Front de Liberation Nationale to gain freedom from French colonial rule as seen through the eyes of Ali from his start as a petty thief to his rise to prominence in the organisation and capture by the French in 1957. The film traces the rebels' struggle and the increasingly extreme measures taken by the French government to quell the revolt.


Alvaro is been in jail and so he consider himself the most fit to lead his three friends Mario, Otello and Spartaco. The four young men decide to start a business. They need only a van to start a transport company. But they lack the money. How can they get it?


Six vignettes set in the Villa Borghese gardens in Rome
