Mari Maurstad

In Western Europe, on the west side of Scandinavia, on the west side of Oslo, is the greatest place on earth - Smestad. This is where Tina and Bettina lives, the most popular teen girls in high school. With a teen life filled with blogging, boys and parties, everything is great for the girls, right up until they stand before a terrible problem - immigration.


Captain Sabertooth's menacing ship, the Dark Lady, is the only one Tiny, the world's youngest priate has ever known. He dreams that one of these days Captain Sabertooth will come to see that Tiny is a real pirate and a brave one too! But Captain Sabertooth has only one thing on his mind, to discover the long lost, legendary treasure trove of Gory Gabriel. Tiny is mesmerized by the beautiful Veronica, a local girl from Luna Bay. Their destinies entwine and together they must fight fate, legend - and Captain Sabertooth.


A gnome named Gurin wakes up with a foxtail as punishment for his practical jokes.


Liv Ulmann's directorial debut also had her co-authoring the screenplay (with poet Peter Poulsen) as based on a Henri Nathansen's 1932 novel about an affluent late 19th century Jewish merchant family in Copenhagen. Ulmann focuses on strong-willed daughter Sofie's progress through life: a love affair with a gentile painter, an arranged marriage , childbirth and ever more fateful challenges.


Struggling worker tries his luck in the stock market - with great success. But it doesn't last.
