María Cuadra

A group of Sephardic perform the "Trial of Jesus" in an ancient temple and before a baffled audience. The purpose of the play is to understand whether the condemnation of Jesus was justified or not, since they are not resigned to accept that history found guilty the Jewish people.


Having casually overheard a confusing phone conversation between two women, Alberto manages to get in touch with one of the callers, Claudia, a painter. The two become lovers and things are spiced up by Claudia's ambiguous sexual nature and by the presence of her former lover, Pietro. Alberto discovers a pistol in Claudia's handbag and this leads to a further revelation: she's dominated by her stepmother Greta, who forced her into a clandestine lesbian relationship; of which Claudia is ashamed and wants to end - at all costs. Alberto, now a slave to love, runs Greta over. But Claudia denies urging him to murder...


The Pinkerton detective agency uncovers a plot to assassinate President James Garfield in 1881 Texas. The film, a "political" Spaghetti, is a very overt mirroring of the JFK Assassination in 1963.


Two family clans have always been enemies; they spend their time hating and killing each other. The daughter of the Campos family and the son of the Mounter family fall in love, thus causing further hatred and deaths.


After a long period of absence, living in large and anonymous cities, a poet, Juan, returns to the village of his birth, Moguer, there he finds happiness through; the friendship of a small donkey, Platero, a free spirited girl, Aguedilla, and recalling memories of his childhood.


"España insólita" is that different, unknown and humble Spain that does not appear on postcards or tourist itineraries. Aguirre embarked on a trip to the most remote villages of the country to witness the existence of a legend, an ancient custom, an unknown dance.


"Jorge Grau's first feature film, shot in glorious black and white in 1962, this Spanish-Italian coproduction is in many ways related to Antonioni's "La Notte". Both films speak about the impairing ability to communicate as well as the desire and impossibility to establish a relationship, and a party as background scenery. Where Antonioni's film depicts a luxurious party in Milan, Grau's version portraits the gathering of several characters with no expectations on the night of the sommer solistice in Barcelona."


Love at First Sight is an Italian movie directed by Franco Rossi.


Carmela, the daughter of Juan Simon, falls in love for an actor who shoots a movie in town and make promises that actress. However, Carmela, in Madrid, just for engaging in life easy. The godson of Juan Simon, Antonio, is presented and win a radio contest with the magic of her voice.


For the 17-year-old Mariza, there is no other house than the train station in Civitavecchia. Here, an orphaned girl lives early after the death of her father, a railwayman; here she earns additionally at the station buffet, selling ice cream to passengers of passing trains. Beautiful and brisk, she was accustomed to the admiration of others and perfectly mastered the art of coquetry, but Marise’s heart remains calm until the young sailor Angelo, who is in a hurry on her first voyage, leaves the train on the platform on a sunny Sunday morning.
