María Eugenia Llamas

A retired police officer looks for revenge after his family is attacked by a gang of criminals.


By the negligence of parents who not assume their responsibility in sex education, many lives are ruined


Criss-crossing love affairs and jealousies result in a murder attempt.

Two young girls escape from an orphanage to go look for their mommies.


Pedro has had many lovers but he only loves one of them, but this romance stop going on for his flirts with other women.


Returning to his home town, seminarist Miguel is forced to trade the robes for a charro costume in order to solve several problems that appear in his way, including the female kind.


This is the story of three brothers (a priest, a soldier and an outlaw) that are raised separately by their godfathers once their mother dies. They cross their paths again when the soldier and the priest move into two towns near the town the outlaw lives in. The drama will unfold once the three brothers meet each other.
