María Luz Galicia

California, 1847. The territory is about to be incorporated into the United States. Parker, the new governor, is a cruel man who believes that the time has come to get rich regardless of the means, but he will soon find a mysterious opponent driven to end his tyranny…


A battle between revolutionary Mexicans and the U.S. cavalry brings Zorro onto the scene to enact vengeance for violent acts incurred by the cavalry Sergeant. Once the Sergeant is killed, Don Jose de la Torre retires from being Zorro and settles down to live a quiet life. The brother of the Sergeant, in an act of his own justice, dons the costume of Zorro and terrorizes the countryside. In an act to draw out the true Zorro, the imposter kidnaps Don Jose's wife, making him once again don the mask to rescue her.


Zorro the Avenger


Adapted from a comedy of the brothers Alvarez Quintero, raised in a spirit rather routine and a remarkable lack of imagination. The minor nature of the adapted work greatly limited their chances, but there was no resolution film the slightest hint of creativity, merely a recreation under the sign of awkwardness.


Despite an ominous warning from his confirmed bachelor mentor (Vittorio De Sica, young Marcello (Walter Chiari) weds the girl of his dreams (María Luz Galicia), only to discover that matrimony can drive a man to murder. Directed by Giorgio Bianchi, this comic import became a lightning rod for controversy in 1958 when Italian censors banned the film due to its negative depiction of marriage.


Ranchera melodrama transferred to a Spanish setting.


Since he wants get married, the young Carabel, who is employed in a real estate agent, decides to ask their bosses for a raise in order to maintain his future wife. However, all he gets is to be fired. He then realizes that honesty is what has led him to unemployment and decides to change his life and live outside the law. He plots to steal the safe from his former company


A news story in the newspapers announces the investigation by the police of a major scam. Precisely, following the steps of the author of that crime, we will know the cabaret where the whole action of this drama will take place. A place where the paths of a multitude of characters cross and where it is possible to find men and women of great humanity.