Maria Rouvel

A story about Ulrike, a ten year old girl who is looking for a new father with energy and determination.


Hoffi is starting fresh after his release from prison. He travels with his brother to different construction sites in search of Urban, an acquaintance and role model he met during a brief hospital stay. Along the way, Hoffi meets Gila, who sees beyond his past in prison. Despite disapproval from her family, Gila decides to build a relationship and future with Hoffi, but Hoffi initially hesitates at this responsibility. It takes the encouragement of his workers’ brigade for Hoffi to realize his mistake and give his relationship with Gila a chance.


Film by Wolfgang Luderer.

Film by Gottfried Kolditz.

Berlin in the 1960s. Olaf and Horst are two young metalworkers, who provoke their older colleagues with critiques of the antiquated equipment and lack of materials... not to mention their love of leather jackets and motorbikes. Olaf and Horst begin to be targeted in the house newsletter, and the generational conflict escalates.


The plot is based on the dramatic fate of the Red Army commander Aleksei Ivanovich Pavlov. Having been captured in January 1942 and being among the displaced persons, he didn't immediately decide to return to the USSR. Having rolled around the foreign country for 17 years, Aleksei nevertheless returned to his homeland. He goes to his brother in the south of the country to Sevastopol. Aleksei accidentally meets the doctor Anna Andreyevna, who was saved from death in besieged Leningrad. She travels by car from Moscow and also to the south, with her daughter Tanya; she suggests he join them. Aleksei tells about his life on the road.


Schorsch and Franz are two rascals who are full of mischief and constantly tease both their teachers and their fellow pupils. Vera, the new classmate, decides to put her foot down and bring an end to the poor situation. With skill, patience and the help of the other pioneers she finds out about the troublemaker’s love for miniature trains and tries to direct their redundant energy onto the right track. However, Vera and her pioneers have to overcome some resistance before Schorsch and Franz finally change their behavior and become better classmates.


Berlin, seven years after WWII. Four women are looking for happiness and a good man in the divided city. Their destinies are loosely connected through one person: the West Berlin dandy and womanizer, Conny. Released at the peak of East German cultural and political dogmatism, the film was heavily critiqued, especially by female party leaders who objected that its portrayal of the four women did not represent the qualities that characterized women in the new society. Now considered as a richly contradictory work, Destinies of Women represents an encore production by the Dudow/Eisler/Brecht creative team that also made Kuhle Wampe in 1932.


Anne Treibel owns a small house that is home to four women and one man, Martin, a badly injured war veteran. All the women are interested in Martin, but he knows that only Anne truly loves him. When Helga asks him to get a surgery that could save his life, he does it for Anne. Fortunately, the attention of the other three amorous women is diverted when three suitable men happen to show up!

During the global economic crisis, the mine pit "Morgenrot" is due to be closed due to unprofitable results. With the use of a machine forbidden for security reasons, the mates try to work more effectively and thus save their jobs. A serious accident happens.