Marianne Edwards

With the Gang aching to hit the gridiron, team captain Spanky’s got to play Little Papa and mind the baby, while Pete is framed by Wheezer’s hateful stepbrother, Sherwood, and sent to the pound in Dogs Is Dogs. Sherwood’s dog kills a chicken, so he blames Pete, but Wheezer and his sister Dorothy have the last laugh; then Spanky and the Gang try to impress the daughter of Mr. Jones, the new truant officer, by Sprucin’ Up.

The gang's all here - Our Gang, that is, with Spanky, Alfalfa, Jackie, Farina, Scotty, Buckwheat, Chubby, Stymie, Wheezer, Dickie, Tommy, Mary, Pete and more in uncut versions of some of their funniest episodes. A magic lamp turns two adults into new arrivals at the Happy Home Orphanage in "Shrimps for a Day," while the Rascals show a thief how to "Fly My Kite" when he tries to send their beloved Grandma to the poor farm. The Gang is snubbed after saying "Hi Neighbor" to the new kid on the block, and Spanky has "Beginners Luck" during his debut on amateur night, before they mistake a hungry "Kid from Borneo" for Uncle George.

A young orphan girl wants a small-time gambler to be her father.


A newscaster (Ronald Reagan) gets demoted for exposing the town's criminal activities over the airwaves.


Alfalfa and our gang try to win fifty dollars on a radio contest.


The gang help Scotty and his grandfather after an obnoxious lunch counter owner forces them to move their lemonade stand.


An air delivery service is menaced by a mad scientist with a death ray machine that blows up planes in mid-flight.


Spanky's mother's pushes him to join a local theater amateur night.


A new truant officer moves into the neighborhood, and everybody wants to get friendly with his daughter.


The kids try to raise money to buy a doll for Marianne.


A magic lamp lets a young couple become kids again and exposes a mean old man who runs his orphanage like a prison.


No good deed goes unpunished for Lena Karelson (Wynne Gibson), hooker with a heart of gold trying to go straight in the big city. Covering a bachelor party for a friend in need, Lena winds up at a gambling house where she is the sole witness when Mayor Wentworth's drunken lout of a son shoots the owner. Wentworth's political machine wants Lena to falsely incriminate mob boss Callahan to bolster their re-election campaign. Callahan's mouthpiece nabs Lena first, conveying her stealthily by train from Toledo to New York to prevent her from testifying against the big boss. A midnight special smash-up, a tense courtroom finale and true love triumphant round out this typical Fox pre-Code programmer, released just before the Legion of Decency dropped the hammer in 1934.