Mariano Asquerino

Bandits kidnap Figaro, the famous barber of Seville, and use his wonderful voice to attract travelers and rob stagecoaches. Because of this, the police chases him as an accomplice of the bandits. Then Figaro decides to join the army as a volunteer to fight in Puerto Rico. He returns covered with glory and his faults are condoned. However, the adventures of Figaro continue in Seville in the false scene of the aristocracy


Ana Ruiz, a young actress who works in a traveling theater company, plays only minor roles, but she hopes to succeed and prefers the success to the love of Michael. When the company decides to release "Heaven is not far," Ana hopes to be the young protagonist, however, the paper turns to fall on the veteran Carmen. The businessman Charles Marquez offers Ana to be the star in the new play if she becomes his lover


As every year, the happy marriage of Luis and Isabel wakes up ready to celebrate her onomastics her and that of her daughter, unaware that the day reserves a tragic twist in the destiny of their lives, because the girl dies in a fatal accident. The impression is so strong that Isabel becomes mad until the point of being confined in a sanatorium. And looking for her health, the doctor forbids Luis to see his wife. He can only get news from her via Emilia, the young nurse who cares for Isabel.


In Rome, a beautiful young model named Donina is hired by a sculptor, Leonardo, inspired her to do a statue he hopes will be his masterpiece. The striking statue of Prince Florencio, heir to the throne of Preslavia, who presented at the banquet in his villa in Rome. Soon their beauty is all the rage across the country, the girl is the feeling of the moment and decides to leave with her ​​prince, leaving behind all his life, including his daughter, who leaves her under the protection of Leonardo.


Bandits in Sierra Morena assault the carriage in which the Duchess of Benamejí travels. A romance starts between her and the boss of the gang, Lorenzo, that arouses the jealousy of Rocio a gypsy who lives with the bandits. Meanwhile, the Marquis of Peñaflores, a captain in love with his cousin the Duchess, chases the bandits. Rocío reveals to the Marquis where Lorenzo and his men are and taking advantage of the tumult of the fight, she kills the Duchess. Her death will cause a change in attitude both Lorenzo and Peñaflores


Eugenia de Montijo, an extraordinarily beautiful woman, educated and intelligent daughter of the Count of Montijo, decides to start a European tour when she discovers that the Duke of Alba, whom she believed her suitor, actually intends for her sister. In Paris she meets Napoleon III, the future emperor of France, who is bewitched by the beauty of the young aristocrat from Granada


Due to a rail accident, the passengers of a train had to be housed in a nearby town while awaiting the arrival of a relief convoy. In the train were traveling Alicia and Paul, a couple who will marry soon, along with her ​​mother, and George, a mature man who looks for a woman he loved. Due to the accident, they will have to spend the night there, where chance lead to a series of events that make the passengers no longer be the same.


Isabel and Gonzalo, a marriage of high society, see how their happiness is endangered due to the frequent love affairs of the husband, that will eventually lead them to interact with a pair of cynical thieves dedicated to blackmail Isabel and to defraud Gonzalo in his business
