Maricruz Nájera

A view of the end-of-the-century Mexican family. A father who comes back home after a long absence, but who would rather be somewhere else. A daughter suffering from a trapped pain. A son full of guilt and recriminations. A little kid who soaks up all the tension in the house, like a sponge, and a self-effacing mother who would like to go away and leave everything behind.


Popular telenovela produced in Mexico in 1979, starring Verónica Castro, Rogelio Guerra and Rocío Banquells. Castro also sang the theme Aprendí a Llorar, a song written by Lolita de la Colina. The telenovela was produced by Chilean Valentín Pimstein and Carlos Romero, it was directed by Rafael Banquells. The story was written by Inés Rodena and adapted by Valeria Philips.


Follows Diogenes as he goes about his day as a police officer. He's prone to do things the right way, surrounded by a pretty much corrupt & citizen distant police department, & always resolves his duties with a personal method.


Agapito, leader of the revolutionary movement of his state, comes to a town, kills all the federales, and gets a girl who was promised to him for his heroic deeds. He gets cleaned up, she falls for him, they get married, and guess what? He can't consummate the marriage. Why? Because the song "El Quelite" is playing in the background. His mother would sing that to him when giving him a bath. So now, he can't ge it up every time he hears it.
