Marie Glázrová

Zdá se to téměř neuvěřitelné, ale je to už 30 let, co měla na jevišti někdejšího Tylova, nyní Stavovského, divadla premiéru Kočičí hra Istvána Örkényho s Danou Medřickou a Vlastou Fabiánovou v hlavních rolích. Dosáhla 403 repríz a stala se v pravém slova smyslu kultovní inscenací 70. a počátku 80. let. Příběh dvou sester, jejichž život dělí železná opona, rezonoval s pocity diváků svou pravdivostí. V interpretaci Dany Medřické se navíc postava Erži Orbánové stala symbolem nezdolného optimismu navzdory bídě života. Nejen tato inscenace, ale i herecký výkon Dany Medřické a Vlasty Fabiánové se už za jejich života staly legendami.

During the Nazi occupation of a Czech city civilians are being rounded up on the slightest of pretexts and shot. One day three high school boys who crack jokes about a recently deceased "hero of the Reich" are pulled out of school by the Gestapo.


A selfish self-centered widowed ruler, barely tolerated by his subjects and called appropriately enough, 'King Myself, First' asks his three daughters to name the measure of their love for him. When one of them says, "more than salt", he banishes her from the kingdom. Not understanding what she meant the King assumes love can only be measured by precious metals or one's own talent, the 'correct' answers from his other two daughters. The arrogance of the King leads him to gather all the salt in the kingdom and destroy it. Of course, this backfires as he slowly learns the universal value of the substance, and of course, the essence of his daughter's reply. With the help of the wise and magical old 'herb woman', the King also learns what it means to be a true and wise ruler.


Prague, the beginning of the 17th century. Rozina falls in love with Italian glass worker Nikolo, but after returning home, she gets a message that will never come to Prague. She falls for the promise of an older man to marry her, but when Nikolo does return, the tragic fate of Rozina is sealed.


Venice Film Festival 1941


"Grandmother" is a highly romanticized autobiographical novel by a Czech 19th century writer, Bozena Nemcova. It's a classical, compulsory reading in Czech schools, about a wise, working-class woman, happier in her simplicity and good heart than the nobles whom she serves.


Venice Film Festival 1938


Venice Film Festival 1937
