Marie Mandy

The catastrophic floods of New York, Bangkok and New-Orleans have shed light on the extreme vulnerability of more than 130 coastal cities faced with the violence of the sea. The mega-cities are threatened by a series of unusual phenomena: a surprising subsidence of soils, an unexplained rising of the level of the sea in some parts of the world, an increase in the frequency of extreme climatic events and exponential urbanization. Considering that science is capable of anticipating dangers and of suggesting protections, why do such disasters occur so often? Can they be avoided?

Teenagers who live in same-sex families talk about their experiences. Together, they question the parental model, their own sexual identity and the consequences of the absence of a father. This is the first French-language documentary to give voice to children raised by gay couples.

The film consists largely of a series of interviews with female filmmakers from several different countries and filmmaking eras. Some, such as Agnès Varda and Catherine Breillat (both from France), have been making films for decades in a conscious effort to provide an alternative to the male filmmaking model; others, such as Moufida Tlatli (Tunisia) and Carine Adler (England), are relative newcomers to directing, and their approaches seem more personal and less political. The film as a whole manages to cover some important topics in the feminist debate about film -- how does one construct a female gaze, how can one film nude bodies without objectifying the actors (of either sex), what constitutes a strong female role -- while also making it clear that “women’s film” comprises as many different approaches to filmmaking as there are female filmmakers.

The 90's in Brussels, Belgium. Two rather bored young couples play tennis, but sex and love will disturb their lives thoroughly.
