Marie Prevost

This short film takes a nostalgic look at the Mack Sennett comedies of the silent cinema era.


In Sleepytown, cross-eyed Sam Smith and Mary Brown are about to get married. But the scoundrel, Jim Jones, wants Mary for himself. Jim uses a publicity still that Sam sent away for against him to show Sam the cad in the eyes of Mary. Disgraced and without Mary, Sam leaves town and heads for Hollywood to redeem himself. Despite not being typical leading man material, Sam is able to make a success of it in Hollywood, and wants to return to Sleepytown a new man and to get Mary back. But Jim will not give Mary up without a fight, he using any means, including lying, to turn the town, including Mary, against Sam, their newly beloved hometown son. This 1939 version was re-edited from a 1921 film with added sound.


Larry Evans (Rex Lease), champion race car driver, is envied by his chief rival, Eddie DeSylva (Duncan Renaldo), who has more ambitions than merely winning the races; he has designs on the motor patent held by Corbett (Tom Moore), Larry's employer. Eddie also has a yen for Corbett's daughter, Norma (Muriel Evans), who prefers Larry. Eddie intentionally causes a race wreck that injures Larry and sends him to the hospital.


Believing his wife to be unfaithful, a husband deserts her and his child. Destitute, the woman is forced to take a job as a tango dancer.


Womanizer and airline pilot Jack Gordon must fly the world's fastest airliner from New York to California while dealing with dangerous jewel thieves on the run from the law.


A manicurist and an engaged loafer, both planning to marry money, meet and fall in love.


The Keystone Hotel hosts a very prestigeous beauty contest. When the cross-eyed judge presents the first prize to an elderly cleaning woman, angry members of the audience respond by hurling custard pies. The Keystone Kops are summoned, and arrive just in time to get plastered with pastry.


A wealthy recluse dies in her New York mansion, leaving an estate worth $50 million. Shortly after, various people turn up claiming to be the rightful heir to her fortune.


A woman convicted of fraud aims to take her revenge on the man who put her inside after being released on parole.


In the Hollywood Hall of Fame - a wax museum - the figure of Eddie Borden comes to life and introduces us to various stars in effigy. Pining over the effigy of Clara Bow, her husband Rex Bell suggests that Eddie get on with Betty Boop. Betty asks Eddie to accompany her in a rendition of "My Silent Love."


On the back of the Wall Street Crash of 1929, a young business man is about to commit suicide. With the note to his wife scribbled down and a gun in his hand, he notices a thick envelope addressed to him at the desk. As he begin to read, we're taken back to the days of WW1 and his meeting with a young woman named Mary Lane.


Wallace Beery and Clark Gable star as two rowdy Naval crewmen who work hard at sea and play harder on land.


Romantic comedy drama about three friends in New York. Cassie has come to New York and goes to work as a model where her friend Gladys works. She falls in love with wealthy young Jerry who is already married. Gladys has the same probelm with her man Phelps.


Buck is a hard working lumberjack, but likes to have fun. Buck's father is the foreman and wants Buck to take over when he retires. Buck is in love with Honey, a show-girl on the carnival boat, but she won't live in a lumberjack camp.


Mary Smith is picked up by the police and is about to be sentenced, in night court, to jail for vagrancy. But a stranger, Jimmie Martin, stands up and tells the judge that Mary was waiting for him and they were going to be married.


A woman's former association with a gangster threatens to destroy her marriage to an upstanding young man.


Out of jail for a crime she did not commit, Madelon turns to prostitution and thievery to send her illegitimate son to medical school.


A horse with great potential is reluctantly sold by the breeder and by chance passes through multiple hands who do not treat him well.


In this comedy, a conservative family becomes alarmed when they begin believing their daughter is pregnant.


Outlaw trio joins wagon train, planning to rob it.

Director Mervyn LeRoy's 1931 crime drama stars John Gilbert and Leila Hyams.


Untrained, volunteer Nurses from America treat Allied soldiers behind and on the lines in France. They face the horrors of war, fight off the attentions of soldiers and face their own loneliness.


Jay Rountree, a young, rising businessman and a son of a wealthy manufacturer gets caught up in a web involving an escort service or 'party girls' and trapped into an unhappy marriage.


Helen and Nita work in a department store to make ends meet while they search for millionaire husbands. They meet Bill and Hank, who make them reconsider whether they really need millionaires to be happy.


Mary Turner gets a three years prison sentence for a crime she didn't commit. Once released, she plots to get back at the man responsible for her conviction.


Kay Arnold is a gold digger who wanders from party to party with the intention of catching a rich suitor. Jerry Strong is a young man from a wealthy family who strives to succeed as an artist. What begins as a relationship of mutual convenience soon turns into something else.


High school students led by the Girl and Boy turn from Christianity toward secret atheistic meetings. When a girl is accidentally killed by a stairway collapse, the Girl and Boy go to reform school where they are treated brutally.


A man protective of his brother checks out the girl his brother is in love with, in order to see if she's the real thing or just trying to take advantage of him. Unfortunately, he winds up falling in love with her himself.


This is a farce, concerning itself with a young husband and a wife who are becoming stranged over money matters. A stenographer, Vera, overheats her bosses’ client say she cannot stay in Reno the necessary three months to get a divorce, offering $1,000 to the one who will impersonate her there. Vera takes the job - but the woman’s husband, not knowing, also comes...


In this silent film, a renegade police captain sets out to catch a sadistic mob boss.


Melrose's circus is being threatened by his competitor, who's angry that Melrose has outmanuevered him in bookings; what he doesn't know is that the competitor has also planted a saboteur who creates accidents in hopes of reducing the value of the circus. Meanwhile, he's also hired a beautiful young woman as the magician's assistant, with eyes toward more - but he realizes that, as a midget, she won't have him.


After an argument, a newlywed decides to test her husband's fidelity by disguising herself as a blonde.


Silent romantic comedy...

Dr. Burton's divorce is about to be effective when his flappery ex-wife Irene pays him a visit turning everything upside down. To avoid explanations to his bride-to-be and her mother they all take the train, including Irene and her lawyer, who will try to prevent him from committing bigamy, as the divorce won't be effective until midnight.


Attorney Ken Walrick, not quite realizing the difference between a garter and a bracelet, gives Gertie Darling a bejewelled garter with his photograph in miniature attached. But then he must cover his indiscretion by getting the garter back before his fiancee finds out.


Mabel catches her husband buying lingerie, and he won't explain who it's for. She divorces him, but later learns he was buying her an anniversary gift. She becomes determined to win him back.


Marcia, a pretty young girl, goes to work as a model for a lecherous dress-shop owner. She resists his advances, despite his giving her expensive gifts. One day Mrs. Reilly, a prominent society woman and a customer of the shop, invites Marcia to a party she's throwing. Marcia winds up impersonating a famous writer in order to impress a "duke" for Mrs. Reilly, who doesn't know the "duke" isn't really a duke. Complications ensue.


A bored society girl cuts a hundred dollar bill in half, writes a message on one half for whoever finds it and throws it out the window of her apartment. The person who finds it turns out to be the driver of a coal truck. So she decides to give him a complete makeover in order to make him presentable to her society friends.


When his wife, Kay, goes out of town on a visit, Dick Lambert attends a party arranged by an old college friend, Jack Harding, with whom Kay has flirted on a previous dinner engagement; there he finds solace in the charms of Roxana, and he soon is making excuses to his wife for his frequent absences from home.

Mystery of bootleggers, hijackers, a girl with bobbed hair, and a talented bull terrier.


Six burglars separately break into the Vickers mansion on Long Island to loot the safe but catch each other in the act. They all pretend to be members of the household when locked in by a well meaning police officer.


Gaston Fleury's wife, Loulou, takes a perfunctory interest in music but a deeper one in a musician named Maurice.


Black and white melodrama.

A pair of professional thieves discover that their accomplice, Mary Brennan, is a dead-ringer for wealthy heiress Margaret Waring. They wait until Margaret is absent from the house, then place Mary there to make their heist easier. Unfortunately, Margaret returns before they've finished the job and gets shot. When the police get there, both women claim to be Margaret Waring and accuse the other of being the thief--and they look so much alike that no one can tell the difference.

Business failure Ernest Todd is advised by his friend, Billy Breese, to enlist his wife's charms as a means of winning customers.

THE HOLLYWOOD KID (1924, Sennett, D: Roy Del Ruth) A short packed with more stars and gags than most features of its day, this film delivered a gaggle of guffaws! With appearances by Mack Sennett, Andy Clyde, Vernon Dent, Ben Turpin, Marie Prevost, Billy Bevan, Charlie Murray, a dozen bathing beauties and a toothless lion! The most fun in this comedy was seeing all of the behind the scenes shots of the studio as it really was and all as part of the frenetic plot.


Professor Stock and his wife Mizzi are uhappily married. The professor, suspicious of his wife, hires a detective to spy on her in hopes of obtaining a divorce. Mizzi sets her sights on seducing Dr. Franz Braun, the new husband of her good friend Charlotte. Dr. Braun's colleague, Dr. Mueller, who has his eye on Charlotte, sees this as his opportunity. Through a misunderstanding, Charlotte thinks that her husband is interested in Miss Hofer, and asks Mizzi to keep him occupied... around and around the circle goes in Lubitsch's refined comedy of mistaken infidelity.


Wealthy young Charles Carpenter is pressured by his family to marry Suzanne, even though he is really in love with young "flapper" Valerie. He gives in to his family's pressure, however, and marries Suzanne, after which Valerie leaves town. Years later, after Charles and Suzanne have had a child, Valerie comes back to town and Charles realizes he is still in love with her, and she with him. Complications ensue.

An American drama based on a novel

A frivolous middle aged socialite is suddenly put upon to have her daughter live with her. Her conniving paramour dumps her for the daughter, leaving the young boyfriend crushed.


Newly rich Mark Hadley drifts from his old-fashioned wife into a secret liason with Lila Millas, a pretty French girl. At the same time, he advises his daughter, Marjory, to break her ties with Kent Merrill...

The Lover of Camille was a 1924 American silent romantic drama film directed by Harry Beaumont, and starring Monte Blue. The film was based on the French novel Deburau by Sacha Guitry, which was also adapted into a Broadway play by Harley Granville-Barker.


Elliot Worthington falls in love with Myra, the maid in his sister's household. Myra is dismissed; Elliot finds her, proposes marriage, and returns home with his new bride. She is snubbed by his relatives and shocked by the hypocrisy of his wealthy friends. Disillusioned, she runs away: Elliot follows and saves her from being hit by a train when her foot gets caught in a switch.

With her marriage on the verge of breaking up, a young wife attempts to win back the love of her husband and child.


Constance Keener, who is betrothed to young millionaire Merton Torrey, confesses to him her desire for romance such as he does not give her. On the occasion of a masquerade ball, Torrey is unable to escort her; and while she is alone on the balcony, someone suddenly seizes and kisses her, then disappears. She attempts to discover her assailant's identity.

Gloria, the daughter in a wealthy family, has finally spent most of her father's money. She marries Tony, whose as much of a reckless spendthrift as she is, and they continue indulging themselves. Tony's wealthy grandfather Adam Patch dies, but to their surprise he leaves Tony nothing. The couple try their hands at actually working for a living, but they don't like it and return to their spendthrift ways. Something has to give, and it soon does.


When a smart-alec street kid's father, a policeman, is killed in the line of duty, the boy turns over a new leaf and goes to work to support his mother, brothers, and sisters. He gets a job as an usher in a theater but really wants to become a policeman to avenge the death of his father. He soon finds himself involved in a fake kidnapping, real gangsters and a tip on the identity of the man who killed his dad.

Molly, a glamorous clothing model in New York, though yearning for a life of luxury, spurns the advances of her boss's son in favor of a shipping clerk, late of the backwoods.

Sam, a young man in a small town, is accused of being a thief. Unable to prove his innocence--and not knowing that he's being framed by a local villain to keep him away from pretty young Mary, the town beauty whom the villain wants for himself--he leaves town and goes to Hollywood to become an actor. He eventually returns home to town as a star, but once again finds himself the victim of the town villain, who this time abducts sweet young Mary. Sam must use all his acting skills to track down the villain and save Mary.


Unattractive and poor Polly Gordon, is taken to the college dance by eligible Vincent DePuyster only as part of a fraternity initiation. Suitors flock to her, however, when she inherits half a million dollars from her aunt, but she grows cynical and dismisses them.

The day starts off as any normal day on Roach's farm, where Teddy, the farmhouse dog, is doing more productive work than everyone else combined. But the day changes when Roach's farmhand sees an opportunity to be the knight in shining armor to Louise, Roach's daughter, who he wants to marry.


Shows brief glimpses into the lives of movie stars of the time. Included is shots of Elsie Janis in her garden in Tarrytown, where she gives an impersonation of Mary Pickford. The film also shows the parts of the marriage ceremony between James Cruze and Marquerite Snow on January 28, 1913. The film claims this to be the first marriage to be captured on film. The film then moves on to some shots of Louise Glaum and her mother. This in turn is followed with a behind the scenes filming of a stunt involving a bathtub. The film then ends with some shots of Clara Kimball Young, Teddy (Mack Sennett's dog) and finally Marie Prevost.

Behind enemy lines, Captain Bob White disguises himself as a woman in order to fool members of the German High Command, including the Kaiser himself.


The movie starts out with Marie as The Girl in the Case in love with Neal Burns, β€œHer Sweetheart.” But her dad wants her to marry someone else (Chester Conklin) and takes her away on vacation to get her away from Her Sweetheart. He follows them, disguised as a widow. There is a genuinely funny scene where Marie is disguised as a man to go meet her boyfriend disguised as a widow, and slapstick happens which results in Chester being found in his underpants with the widow in a barn.

β€œ Polly Moran, known as Becky O'Brien in this picture, conducts a pawn shop with Ben Turpin and Charles Lynn as her appraisers and clerks. Ben is her sweetheart and Polly sure does love him, but Ben is not quite so enthusiastic, excepting when the cash register is made to tingle, then all his love is for Becky. ” - Synopsis from Motion Picture News

A 1916 short starring Jack Cooper, Hank Mann & Bobby Dunn.