Marielle Franco

“Breaking Myths” aims to open the world’s eyes to the fragile and “catastrophic masculinity” of Brazil’s current President Jair Bolsonaro, a fanatical far-right politician who can best be described as the Brazilian Donald Trump — and who is up for a second term this October. The story is told through the lens of the critically acclaimed Brazilian filmmaker and LGBTQ activist Fernando Grostein Andrade (“Abe” Sundance 19), who directed, wrote, and produced the feature alongside creative partner Fernando Siqueira as the first release under his production company in California, FilmSoul Studios.

Film about structuring racism, done during a pandemic.

The life and death of city councilor Marielle Franco and driver Anderson Gomes, murdered on the night of 14 March, 2018, in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.


Bigger-than-life revolutionary, Indianara and her group lead a fight for the survival of transgender people in Brazil. She gathers her forces for one last battle against the attacks from her political party and the totalitarian threat to come.


"El odio" describes the discrediting campaign against Lula da Silva and the Workers' Party in Brazil, demonstrating how this process led Jair Bolsonaro to the presidency. Conducted by Argentine documentary filmmaker Andrés Sal.lari, also details the participation of Judge Sergio Moro, the media and Washington in the entire operation.

A documentary about the Rio de Janeiro police killings praticed as so-called "self-defense acts". The film follows people who deal with those deaths in their daily lives, showing how Brazil's Federal Government deals with these cases, from the police investigations to the courtrooms.


A faux documentary about the ongoing social, political and economical crisis in Brazil, where the government cuts the colors of Rio de Janeiro, turning the city black and white.