Marijam Agischewa

On the day of her greatest honor, the well-known Berlin author Agnes Berg receives the shocking news of the accidental death of her daughter Johanna and her husband. The loss hits her particularly hard: Agnes has been at odds with Johanna since she followed her husband to Mallorca 15 years ago. Concerned about her grandchildren Natascha and Enrico, whom Agnes has never seen before, she sets off for Spain. The reception is cool and unwelcoming. But Agnes is ready to fight for the love of her grandchildren, for which she will make a great sacrifice.


Short film.


Autobiographical movie about the publicist Carola Stern.


Anna, married to the lawyer Rainer, despite all remorse, begins a liaison with the charming pharmaceutical representative Lars - fortunately the husband of her friend Bettina. Their meeting in a luxury hotel has fatal consequences: Anna and Lars are ear-witnesses of a supposed murder on the head of a call girl ring. Mistakenly, Anne's brother Max was suspected of doing something. Bettina, who has useful contacts due to her thriving wellness center, ensures that Max is released on bail. However, to acquit him they need Anna's statement - which would inevitably reveal her affair with Lars. So there has to be another solution...


The lone architect Thomas sends his son Nick to his aunt in Munich. But the eleven-year old basketball fan strays rather through Berlin, where the NBA stars are playing. After Nick had been mugged he meets a friendly hairdresser Anna. "Man", the little one thinks, "Daddy needs a wife!" And Anna a man...


Dr. Sommerfeld – Neues vom Bülowbogen is a German television series.


Psychotherapist Katharina welcomes a new patient, Alex Neumann. Soon she also learns to know him on a more private basis. But when two of her colleagues, who had love affairs with their patients, are killed, she fears that Alex might by the murderer. She's torn between love and fear.

In this German political drama, an ex-Stasi agent encounters an old friend whom he may have betrayed after his friend tried to escape East Germany. The former East German agent is Otto Skrodt who after many years is about to be promoted in the highest government ranks. He is anxious to maintain a squeaky clean image. His daughter is Isabelle. The young and friendly Kalle returns after spending many years in jail for his escape attempts. He doesn't know exactly who blew the whistle, but his friend Skrodt is definitely under suspicion. Kalle returns to ostensibly renew the friendship and to see Isabelle whom he loves. The duplicitous friendship between the two men becomes the main focus of the story which features interesting plot twists at the end.


Treffpunkt Flughafen is an East-German television series produced by the DEFA-Studio für Spielfilme on behalf of Fernsehen der DDR in 1985/86. The show follows the life and adventures of the crew of a IL-62 operated by the East-German airline Interflug. Filming locations were East Germany, Vietnam, Angola and Cuba among others.


Familie Neumann is a German television series.

The children of Herbert and Hella, two single train conductors, are going to vacation at Baltic Sea. Unfortunately the parents are to busy to go so the oldest sister is in charge.
