Marika Mavropoulou

One of nine sons, Konstantis, convinces his mother to arrange the marriage of his only sister, Areti, to a stranger and swears on the Bible that he will go himself and fetch her if she is ever needed. When all nine sons succumb to an epidemic, leaving their mother alone, she curses Konstantis, who rises from his grave to find his sister and bring her back to the family home. Now thought to be a lost movie.

For the past six years, a desperate mother and her husband have been trying to locate their only daughter who is in the clutches of a ruthless wandering Romani musician. Will the miracle-working Virgin Mary reunite her with her family?


Lukas and Sotiris hate the work but are forced to make ends meet working as salesman of books. In one visit, Luke would accept a proposal from the hostess, Fofi to represent her husband in the eyes of Julia's aunt, as long as you remain in Greece.


An avid fan of football and fan of Panathinaikos falls for the daughter a fan of Olympiakos. The effort to reconcile with the father of the girl, and perennial football rival, will be full of misunderstandings and humorous.


An old chauffeur, after removing his rambling son, decides to live with his orphaned girl while facing the advent of the car that displaces the carts.
