Marilyse Bourke

The tribulations of Maxim, who’s trying to rebuild his love life, and the trials of Livia, who’s trying to find herself. Although the young girl’s adolescent angst often clashes with her father’s middle-age crisis, they remain inseparable. Max realizes that Livia is growing up fast and starts doing everything he can to make up for lost time.

Marc-André is a well-ordered bank accountant. One day a naked young woman, Mirah, emerges from a sort of egg out of nowhere. She has time travelled straight from the Mesopotamian to warn Marc-André that he is in grave danger, from actions performed in his life in that era. Along with his neighbour and two agents specializing in paranormal phenomena, Marc-André and Mirah attempt to avert the danger to his life.


A sitcom set in the struggling Montreal franchise of a fictional multinational fast-food chain.


An eccentric teacher (Marie-Chantal Perron) causes children at her elementary school to change the way they look at themselves.
