Marina Kakhiani

The story of Pascal Ichak, a larger-than-life French traveller, bon vivant, and chef, who falls in love with Georgia and a Georgian princess in the early 1920s. All is well until the arrival of the Red Army of the Caucasus, as the Soviet revolution that has swept Russian comes to Georgia. Told as a flashback from the present, as a French-Georgian man whose mother was Pascal's lover translates his memoirs for Pascal's niece.


This musical is based on old Georgian vaudevilles and plays. The early 20th century. Old Tiflis is in confusion and turmoil. A mysterious fairy is helping the poor Pavle’s family: real wood is burning in his old, neglected fireplace, wherein a pot with meat would suddenly appear. The good fairy is impersonated by laundress Vardo who helps not only the poor Pavle, but other families in this quarter as well. Vardo is known to many people in the town, but no one ever suspected that she was capable of performing miracles. The film’s colorful folk melodies, merry songs and fiery dances leave no viewer indifferent. Starring in the leading role is the great Georgian actress Sofiko Chiaureli.
